party limit

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i currently have a party limit somewhere between 100-105, last time i checked it was 101
currently i only have 66 units with me(i put a lot of my men into my castle)
so i wanted to recruit ppl, and it keeps saying unit slots are full

i guess it was the bar cant go down anymore, i got to much different sort of fighters,
but even if i want to recruit a sort of units i already have, i still cant recruit them

so my party size keeps going down, without anyone coming in it

1 thing i do know, i will let those ymira, artimenner in there taverns
but i do like them, since you can give them stuff, increase skills and all

is there a way to increase unit slot limit?
my leadership is currently 7,
but it will increase party limit, dont you mean that?
also my party limit is 105, and i got only 66
As Lord Samuel said you can only have a maximum of 32 different troops, this includes you and each hero and (I think) prisoners.
The tip from killer-blead is no longer valid (sorry), the limit of 32 is unchangable.

This problem usually happens when you use a very diversified troop, if you limit yourself to troops from 1 or 2 kingdoms you should have no problems.
damn it,
and yeah at the time i had a really different army,
but as i mentioned i wanted to hire some mercenary cavalry,
which i already had, but i still wasnt able to hire them?

also i put a lot of troops in my 2 castles now, and will only limit myself to the best of each group
like swadian knights, hired blade and all that sort
If you have 32 types, then upgrade some to a type you don't already have, it will block you from recruiting anything, I think.
It also helps when you only upgrade troops as a whole so the number of different units does not change.
Well, in an army with 32 troop types:

- If you have, say, 19 upgradable "Farmers" and 1 simple Farmer, you can't upgrade them yet because of the 32 slots limit. Wait a bit...
- When all of your farmers are finally upgradable, then you can convert those 20 "Farmers +" to the next level in just one click.
Lord Samuel said:
Well, in an army with 32 troop types:

- If you have, say, 19 upgradable "Farmers" and 1 simple Farmer, you can't upgrade them yet because of the 32 slots limit. Wait a bit...
- When all of your farmers are finally upgradable, then you can convert those 20 "Farmers +" to the next level in just one click.
How ? (genuine question, I dunno how)
:smile: By clicking the "upgrade" button...

But this only works if you have already 32 troop types in your party.
Just useful to know that you CAN still upgrade them.

As Lord Samuel said, it only works when your number of troop types is at the limit.
By the way, I've never seen this function documented, it's just something I (and others) found out when it happened. As the limit was lower than 32 in older versions it happened then more often.

I would like that function each time to upgrade all that can be upgraded with one click.
This_is__CALRADIA!!! said:
Is it possible to upgrade a whole stack of soldiers at once ?
it would create some problems you either need even more options then usual or not at all since most units can upgrade to 2 diffrent kinds of units instead of just 1.
killer-blead said:
This_is__CALRADIA!!! said:
Is it possible to upgrade a whole stack of soldiers at once ?
it would create some problems you either need even more options then usual or not at all since most units can upgrade to 2 diffrent kinds of units instead of just 1.

As said on previous page, the option DOES exist under specific conditions, and it doesn't create any problem... You just have to choose a branch of the troop tree.
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