Party inventory, cant find the help i want

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i cant seem to see my parties inventory to give them items and such, only tell me about yourself and nothing, keep moving is available. I have searched the forums for information on this but nothing has helped. Please help me, i wanna give some of my units better armour and weapons.

getting culled
You cannot equip your own army. You can only equip your sidekicks (Marnid and Borcha). To get better units you have to level them up in a battle. Take a WHOLE lot of cheap peasants and kill a bunch of river pirates... then you'll get militiamen, so kill some more. Then mountain/forest bandits when you have veterans/footmen/skirmishers. You can also get a prisoner train at that point if you want and get some units that don't suck. When you get to infantry/crossbowman/horseman/man-at-arms/archer (whew!), you can kill some scouts or challenge a patrol if you have the units for it. You can order your men in your party screen, though. That determines who goes into battle first.
If you are impatient like me, go raid an enemy prisoner train. Yields 3rd or 4th tier units and recruits for free. Far better than building up peasants from scratch. Invest in some trainer points for you or the heroes helps to level the troops up too.

If you get hunt down raider missions, liberate and keep the peasant women. They level up fast and become sword sisters which are very efficient at scoring kills though they seem to bite the dust more than knights too.
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