Party full

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I used a tweak to make my party max out at around 500 and for a while everything was good. Then I captured a town, lost a bunch of people and went to replace them. However I am unable to recruit villagers and hire people at taverns even though I am nowhere near my party limit (134 out of 532). I searched this forum and found someone with a similar problem who was suggested to do something about their "party slot cap", but I don't know what that is. I've tried making my max party bigger already, but that hasn't worked. Any solutions? I'm really desperate because I'm playing Native Expansion and hope to have the entire continent under my control by the time the Dark Knights arrive...but that's kinda hard with 134 people...
Ok I think I know your problem this is one all new people have. First of all can you tell me how many different units are in your army? Can you upgrade a unit into a unit you do not already have. There is a unit type limit ,think either 18 or 20 is max. This is hard capped into the game, my advice is to try and get rid of the lowest number of units to make room for a new slot. If this is not the case then idk  :oops:
The Profileth said:
Ok I think I know your problem this is one all new people have. First of all can you tell me how many different units are in your army? Can you upgrade a unit into a unit you do not already have. There is a unit type limit ,think either 18 or 20 is max. This is hard capped into the game, my advice is to try and get rid of the lowest number of units to make room for a new slot. If this is not the case then idk  :oops:

Yep it appears that was my problem! Thanks so much :smile:
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