Party Arrangement

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I think it's kind of frustrating the way the party arrangement is now with the limited number of slots. Unless you have at least 6 leadership you can't have Borcha and Marnid along with every other type of unit your faction has to offer, for example if you have both of them you can have Vaegir peasants, footmen, veterans, and horsemen, but if you want to upgrade your horsemen you'll have to disband or wait until a different unit type is upgradeable. I don't think this is a very efficient system and I believe it would improve gameplay if this was fixed.

While I don't suggest scrapping the idea altogether, I have one suggestment for making it much more manageable.


I have 5 points in leadership. Let's say that instead of those 4 Vaegir Horsemen I have 4 Mercenaries, three of which are upgradeable to Hired Blades. I have 31/47 companions, so I could still hire 16 more men. However, I can't upgrade my Mercenaries until I get rid of one unit type. If I only have 5 Townsmen as in the picture, I might as well disband those 5 to get 3 of the best neutral unit type. But then I've just cut off my main source of recruiting. I'd have to wait until the Hired Blades die or I'd have to get rid of them altogether in order to recruit more men.

On the other hand, I could tell Borcha or Marnid to go wait for me at the Four Ways Inn. But then I sacrificed a valuable party member. Why should I have to get rid of that one guy in order to flesh out my party?

Also, what if I want a few horsemen but I'd like some archers as well? I can't do that, can I? I suppose it is possible but it would be extremely frustrating to try and raise an army with both Vaegir Knights and Vaegir Markesmen, especially if I have 2 heroes.


This can be balanced very well with the leadership skill. For example, someone without any leadership ability won't be able to have any heroes at all. But for every 2 or so leadership points you can gain another party member along with a few extra regular soldiers.

I think the game should be more friendly in allowing you options to customize your group. The system in place I feel may be a little too rough and may cause more frustration than anything else. With this system you could keep the basics of the old one but without the frustration.

Besides, having more than 2 heroes at this point wouldn't make the game too easy since their skills don't stack. It would just cost more money to keep their equipment up to par but it would also increase customization and make things more fun, in my opinion.

Oh yes, and please excuse the rough MS-Paint job I did here, but I hope my little alterations can help you get a good idea of what I mean here.

One more quick word on the subject, I've noticed that every time I edit the faces of Borcha and Marnid to make them less hideous they end up getting reset about a half an hour later. Is there any way to fix this?
when I get to the point where im making vets I just dont buy commoners anymore.

that frees a slot up ususally.
I like it the way it is. It forces you to choose between a the tradeoff of being a powerful warrior, or more of a comander.
I think the issue is not making that tradeoff, Varus, which is taken care of in the skills that you choose, but rather that it simply doesn't make sense that each single hero one has in one's party prevents one from having different kinds of troops.

I sort of understand the reason for the stacking system in the prisoners and armies, that the different groups may not get along well and that it takes a propper leader/prisonment manager to be able to control them and make them work together under your command, however why heros are also constrained by that I do not understand. If anything, extra heros should aid one's management of one's troops and as such increase the number of stacks available. At the very least they could be considered the leader of one of the stacks, and as such a part of it. As one who is playing more of a leader character with a large force of recruits I find the addition of the heros hampers my playing more than helps it.
I agree with Mizkif. I would like to able to hire as many soldiers as my skills allow me to without being restricted by party slots. I don't think we should be restricted from diversifying our armies. :cool:
I really like the OP's paint job. Great stuff.

Also, I liked OP's idea and agree with his point. Huzzah. And all that jazz.
I really think it's part of the addictiveness of this game that you can't have everything at once, at least not easily. What might be good is the ability to -demote- units to previous iterations though, and not necessarily getting an XP refund at all. That way if you decide (for example) you want knights instead of swadian infantry, and you've already got 15 infantry, you don't have to disband them and start from scratch. You could just demote them to footmen or whatever and start leveling them up again.

Oh and you know if you wait for an =entire= stack to get enough XP to upgrade, you won't need an extra slot, it'll automatically upgrade all of them and take the original slot. If it doesn't already, I hope also the disband button disbands non-upgradeable people first, and upgradeable ones last; that way you don't have to wait for all of them to get enough XP.
I think the best way to do it with my idea would be to have the player start with 1 hero slot (which is already taken by your main hero) and 2 basic troop slots and a maximum of 10-15 troops. For every 1 point in leadership you get another troop slot and every 2 points you get another hero slot. For example, level 3 leadership you can get 1 other hero and up to 5 different types of units. Level 4 leadership you can get 2 heroes and up to 6 different types of units.
It seems to get rid of lowest exp units first. Also, if you cash some units in for one of those "train 4 veterans"-type quests, it also seems to take the lowest exp units. Sometimes, if I don't have any slots and say 8 of my 9 footmen are ready to upgrade, I'll just disband the one straggler. I'm against changing the system as it stands. It adds to the strategy. Should I use up one of those precious slots for a hero? Should I try to make a diverse team, even if it's more trouble? How many of my skill points do I want to put into leadership? I think these decisions add to the strategy, and fun, of the game.
I agree with mizkif, it's a pain to have to keep kicking guys out of groups to be able to upgrade them. I suggested the exact same idea as u in my suggestions (sans the mspaint pictures). it seems great minds think alike :lol:
I disagree with what I said earlier. It really doesn't make sense that your heroes take up army slots. Keep the normal unit management as it is, but I like the idea of managing heros seperately.

If there are more heros later on, the Leadership skill can still be used to control the number of heroes you can have in your party.
I also like the idea of managing heroes seperately and I agree that if anything heroes should HELP you manage prisoners and/or army units. Afterall, they are kind of like your generals (or I would like to think of them that way at least). Please make it so that heroes do not make army management so difficult.... it is a REALLY BIG turn off for me in this game.
armagan said:
I read your suggestions. Thanks for them. I don't always give feedback on suggestions, usually because I don't have anything solid to say.

It is always good to see developers and creators speaking with the player base... thanks for all your hard work. I hope I do not come off as a complainer.... overall I LOVE this game... I just see a few ways that it might be a little better from my perspective... only thoughts... :eek:) Thanks again!
I can't be active in the forums as much as I'd like to be. Also, I love to read players discussing a certain feature among themselves.

I visited your site. Played a little bit of Santa's lil helper, and had some good time with the fabulous Fright Factory. Great little games, very attractive and atmospheric. Good job!
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