Parties World Map Behavior

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Perhaps the behavior of non-character parties on the world map could be improved a bit.

1. Vaegir and Swadian parties that have a lot of prisoners should visit their nearest towns to get rid of the scum. Or alternatively, hire the player to do the ferry job. Prisoners are doing nothing but slowing them down after all.

2. Parties should be more aggressive in some cases. I have made several circles around a Vaegir scout patrol with Vaegir deserters on my tail, and neither party even noticed the presence of another. In fact, more often than not outlaws that are following player's party will be ignored by law officials for some reason.

3. On the other side, parties should be less eager to pursue an enemy who is obviously faster.

4. Peasants are running from bandits (and are faster), see another bandit party ahead, get scared, run back and stumble at the bandits they originally were running from. Would be goot if fleeing parties were considering all enemies that they see and run in the safest direction instead of the opposite.

5. High level warriors liberated by the player party should not join the player's party outright - they might have other duties and desires after all. Unless a proper fee is paid for them of course.

6. Refugees should ask player to escort them to a safe place (not all towns will accept refugees of course). When done, might considerably increase the amount of soldiers in the inn of that town.

7. Liberated prisoners should ride to the nearest town and disappear in the populace instead of wandering on the map and getting imprisoned again and again.

8. A command to follow another party without talking would be good. However the party might get suspicious to someone tailing them.

9. Towns should produce army parties when enemies or outlaws get too close. On the other side, outlaws should evade cities unless they feel strong and safe.

10. All prisoners should have the same speed. Please no more mounted (maybe even armed? :smile:) prisoners.

11. Parties should estimate each other not only by size. 10 dark knight fleeing from a group of 30 peasants are fun but unlikely. Same with 10 sea pirates pursuing an army of 3 heroes and 6 men-at-arms.

12. Vaegir and Swadian scouting parties should sometimes pursue the law-abiding parties as well (including the player's party) - to talk to them and make sure they are indeed what they look.

13. Vaegir and Swadian units should not fit well in a single party (morale drop, possible desertions or rebellions).

Hope that's enough for the first time. :smile:
This would be great, and of course I should not say this but I THINK its not hard to make, but I cant
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