Parties and inventory

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I've really enjoyed this game so far but I've got a few suggestions/gripes that I want to share.

I'm kind of frustrated by the party page, as I may be able to have 30 people, but only 5 heroes or types or units. So when rescuing the ransom dames I have to sack my low level guys to make room. And I have to consolidate the types of soldiers that I have because of the slot limitations. I'd just like to see the removal of slots and just replaced with a scrollable list of soldiers like the inventory screen. More leadership means more space. Also I don't know how much this would impact the game, but I'd like each soldier to be a hero, that each would have a name, I could talk to each one individually, give them armor if I chose, horses, etc. I'm frustrated that when I talk to my hired blades they have excellent stats and party skills however they don't count in the group because they're not a hero. Now with heroes they need to be levelled up manually however I'd like an automatic system as an option. So if people don't want to micromanage, that's fine. But if I want all my guys to have all blunt weapons to be the best slavemonger I can be, I'd have the option.

Now, inventory. I'm always frustrated in games that after I kill a guy with an awesome bit of armor or weapon that it doesn't show up in the loot because it didn't roll right. I don't really see the purpose behind this really. I'd like everything I see on a soldier to be available when I come to loot the battlefield. Of course you might want to have weapon degradation in the sense that if I hit a guy in the chest with a great maul from a charging horse, his chest armor might not be in that great of shape. Have blacksmiths, leatherworkers, clothiers to repair the stuff you've done damage to. And then I might want to have extra packhorses to extend my inventory space so I can loot everything off the battlefield if I want.

Some of these gripes I've had from other games and they carry over to this game as well, but it seems you guys have been responsive to suggestions before and well, I just wanted to let you know what would make this great game even greater to me. Thanks.
Just in case you didn't know:

Every 2 points in the Leadership skill gives you another troop slot.

You can send Marnid or Borcha to the Four Ways Inn or just have them stay where you leave them. When you need to get that kidnapped girl, you can have one of them leave. You could also give them them troops to free up slots if you wanted as well.
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