Parrying, text-files and modding...

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Well, I'm not quite sure if this thread would be off just as fine in the general M&B section, but I assume I've gone to the right place, :???: and I'm sorry if this should have to be moved...

Anyway, I for one would like to see more parrying from the AI soldiers. I've done a search and didn't come up with anything, so I assume I'm pretty much alone here. :razz: I'm sure the general feeling amongst the players is that the AI is fine as it is, we allready have pretty much the best melee system seen in any medieval game and besides, if the AI started parrying en masse as well, the combats would drag out a fair bit, right?

But that's just what I like! :grin: I recently had a fight in the arena where I squared up with one of the "Heroes", to put ut that way, (One of the named combatants, in other words.), on foot, myself waving a two-hander, and him wielding a sword/shield combo. That was one of the coolest fights I've had. We both parried like crazy until I finally knocked him out cold by driving the tip of the wooden two handed sword right into his face. His shield had been shattered long ago, and he had been hanging on an eternity by just parrying with his one sword. :cool:

When you kill a foe like that, it becomes a much more spectacular thing. Better than when some poor idiot comes in, waving his weapon about like crazy, only to be downed by a couple of simple parries.

Now; what I want to know is, is it possible to mod more parrying into the game? As far as I've seen, on the "Good" AI difficuilty level, anyways, there seems to be like 90% wild swinging and feinting, and 10% actual parrying. I don't know what it's like on the lower levels.

Or are there other ways? I don't know jack about modding, but I do know my way around the occational text-file. Can someone please help me, or anyone else who should prove interrested, to get the parrying up a bit...? Thanks in advance...
as far as i can tell, the ai is hardcoded, so only armagan could change this or add an option to change it

also, answer to your sig..
Lewis Carroll answering "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" :lol:
I like dueling with people too :smile:. I also like massacreing river pirates, though, so maybe only the gladiators, higher ranking bandist and soldiers should be proficient.
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