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Firstly, I absolutely love this game. Discovered it a couple of days ago, and have been playing nonstop ever since. However, whenever I attempt to engage in hand-to-hand combat, I always have the problem of having like 10 guys just completely overpower me all at once. I always end up becoming surrounded, and then I am inevitably slaughtered. Is this just how things go, or is there some way to avoid that? HELP!
Do you have the two NPC characters in your party or any other party members?

Or are you trying to win battles on your own against a group of enemies?
1 vs 10 is pretty tough, even if you're fully equipped...you're supposed to hire your own troops from taverns that help you with the killing...talk to the tavernkeeper in the starting town Zendar...pretty simple to go from there :razz:
simple way to avoid that, just back up, they usually get get into a line and run after you, either coming after you 1v1 or 1v2,so you lust hack and slash. isint too diffical, i just slughter sea raiders and river pirates this way.

Maybe its because i have a balaced sword of war and have longer range and do huge amounts of damage
I second their comments.

A low-level hero, with minimal equipment and skills, all by his lonesome, should avoid 10 to 1 battles. Getting swarmed by the bad guys is just too likely.

If you do find yourself in that situation however, it helps to:

1. Be on horseback: Stay mobile. Avoid groups of enemies. Attack bad guys on the edge of the pack. Keep moving. Slash 'n move.
2. Have a bow: Pick off a few enemies before they close. Wound them, whittle 'em down. Even with limited skills, you could secure some hits which would make it all the easier for you when you melee against them.

If you don't have a horse or a bow or top-notch equipment or any troops and are facing 10 to 1 odds, all is not lost! What I would do is play dead and live to fight another day.

Kniggit's suggestion (hey, Kniggit!) isn't so easy (he's using a balanced Sword of War which means his hero is also probably a high-level, well-armored hero. It can be done, yes, but it's much better to avoid that scenario.
Something noone's mentioned yet... crank that battle slider WAAAAy to the left until you're ready to fight hordes. That should keep it down to a reasonable # of enemies on screen at once (before this last patch it was 3, but I don't know what minimum is now.)
Kniggit's suggestion (hey, Kniggit!) isn't so easy (he's using a balanced Sword of War which means his hero is also probably a high-level, well-armored hero. It can be done, yes, but it's much better to avoid that scenario.

It was a little difficult in the beggining because no matter how little you have they can still outrun you, but i just hack so faast they die eventually. and hand hatchets arent better than rusty armimg swords, remeber that (Key Johnny)


P.s. Oh by the way, i would have to say pickin em off from a distance is better, but you cant really hit any of em until your better
macweirdo42 said:
Firstly, I absolutely love this game. Discovered it a couple of days ago, and have been playing nonstop ever since. However, whenever I attempt to engage in hand-to-hand combat, I always have the problem of having like 10 guys just completely overpower me all at once. I always end up becoming surrounded, and then I am inevitably slaughtered. Is this just how things go, or is there some way to avoid that? HELP!

Buy a horse, a lance, a 2 handed sword, bow en arrows

When die come for you try shooting them, when they to close run away on youre horse and come back on full speed with the lance and kill 1 everytime you have "whats its called" very-strong-lance-thing.
If youre horse get killed (what only happens if you run in the middle of the group with youre horse, you always got youre sword to defend you.
Buy some weapon with long range (lance is a better choise, you can equip shield) horse and when countering such gang try to hit lonely bad guy at full charge, try not to ram him with horse (that will stop you). Use their flanks, 'cause it's more safe and effective. Continue this prosidure untill you are last man standing.

P.S. or hire yourself a gang in tavern (speak to tavern keeper). they'll help you :wink:
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