[?Outdated?] Scenes Editor by MAXHARDMAN

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Scenes Editor by MAXHARDMAN

Scene editor add new “EDITOR” option for quick select and run selected scene .
Test modes:
Free Editing – for freely editing.
Attack Village , Siege ladder Defense , Siege tower Defense – for quick test scene in battle mode.
After finish work with scenes , remove <name_scene>.sco from
*:\ <Mount&Blade_903>\Modules\EDITOR\SceneObj to you mod or Native “SceneObj” folder.

For start work in Scene Editor:
- Before run M&B, on “Edit Mode” in “Configure” – “Advanced” menu.
- Push “Editor” option in M&B game menu.
- Choose type, number scene and test mode.
- Press Alt+Enter , and start windowed mode.
- Press Ctrl+E for start M&B scene editor.
- Make changes in scene. After work is done , press Ctrl+E or “Close” button in Editor menu and save exchanges.

INTERFACE (M&B scene editor) :

Left click + move to side – Look around.
Right click – Select object.

Camera movement keys:
W – Forward.
A – Left.
S – Backward.
D – Right.
F – Up.
C – Down.
Ctrl + button – Move faster.

Work with objects keys:
Delete – Remove object
X,Y,Z + mouse move - Turns on axes.
R – Set rotate angles to zero (0,0,0).
T + mouse move – Move horizontally.
G + mouse move – Move vertically.

LINK (1.3 Mb) https://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=634
Dam maxhardman you saved my life it was realy anoying to edit ai meshes of a ongoing siege batle whit makes errors pop up at every second due to the moving troops.
EDIT: I have noticed that I can't edit castle and cities under siege scene whit is VERY annoing since this was what I wanted to do.
to DarkAnd
You must edit castle in Free Editing mode , after press Tab and start Battle mode ( Siege defence)
to DarkAnd
Not realy understand, but im present almoust all scenes in game . In game scene with city attak(siege) namen like "scn_town_6_walls.sco"  ,so for run editing city siedge , select option town_6_walls ( for exempl)
to DarkAnd
Not realy understand, but im present almoust all scenes in game . In game scene with city attak(siege) namen like "scn_town_6_walls.sco"  ,so for run editing city siedge , select option town_6_walls ( for exempl)
the problem is:
there is just the town center option here no vilaged no castles no walls.
also I tried tabing and  just get the option to enter free editing and to leave. if I click leave the game goes back to the menu.
to DarkAnd
no vilaged no castles no walls.
Are you blind ?  :evil:
Town walls


Castle walls


Village attak


I tried tabing and  just get the option to enter free editing and to leave
Battle modes not work only in NOT BATTLE scenes.  :mad:
Sorry T.T I started a new game and there was an edit option in the reports screen. I don't noticed the EDIT line bellow.
i tried searching to no avail, so i'll ask here.

how can i add enemy npcs to a scene that attack the player on sight?
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