Out of the Arena Tutorial

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Everyone! Everyone LOOK AT ME! I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE!!!

Ok, now that i got that off my chest, check out my tutorial on abusing teh glitch.

Step 1: Pick your window of choice.

Step 2: Jump in window. I find that it helps a lot if you jump in at an angle. Keep holding the direction you jumped in for a few seconds to make your view tweek like a cracked out penguin in a birchbark canoe.

Step 3: Stop holding the arrow key you were holding for a few moments, after a bit of shaking the camera should calm down and stop shaking. Hold the '~' key to make sure that your head is poking out of the roof.

Step 4: Now that the hard part is over... simply walk sideways to get out.


If you'd like, you can jump and hold the opposite key you were holding to get out, and get on the roof...


Happy glitching.

For those of you who get onto the roof, don't try and fall off the edge of the map. It distorts the screen and actually does damage to you. That, and you can't get out.
I managed to get into the area, I wish you could influence the fight a little though, all I could do was grab a horse and ride around.
yeah, i find it really annoying that it's random which weapons you get, cos if you're given a lance and you are crap at lanceing then you often find it really hard to kill anyone. Foot archer is near suicide unless you're a high level. i would like to see a choice for the next version, so you can be whichever type of soldier suits your skills best.

Oh, and i tried that glitch once, but my guy got stuck jumping up and down in the roof and died. and yeah, influenceing the fight more would be good, all you can do right now is kill the horses, and if the team you bet against has no horses then you are screwed, you should be able to at least hurt the combatants, that would be funny in multiplayer
Ravanne said:
I managed to get into the area, I wish you could influence the fight a little though, all I could do was grab a horse and ride around.

Haha. Me too. I found this 'glitch' the first time I played. Pretty boring though. I ran around trying to get in the way of the team I didn't like. Run into them and try to push them around.
sheek said:
Haha. Me too. I found this 'glitch' the first time I played. Pretty boring though. I ran around trying to get in the way of the team I didn't like. Run into them and try to push them around.


Theres a good idea, block the bad guys. There horses cant hurt you.
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