Our leader of the good people workin hard.

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I still can't bring myself to believe you guys voted him into the White House again. I'm starting to rekindle my ambitions of becoming the president of the US. I mean, if he could do it, why can't I? I just need to learn to talk funny, make weird faces, get a bad political and business record and develop an alcohol problem.
maybe he is just a puppet. No no i mean a real puppet. In behind there is actually.. the new indian god thread guy. Becouse only a superhuman can show bush's performance.
Forget it Okin, the system here is set up specifically to keep people like you (and me) out of politics. Besides, you're a foreigner, and can't run unless we change the constitution.. which may happen so Ahnold can run >.<
Nairagorn, who are you calling a foreigner? I'm born-and-bred NYC, *****, just like my hero, Travis Bickle (See avatar)! And as sung by the Clash: "If someone locks me out, I kick my way back in". There's no way those hick bastards would manage to keep me out of politics. :smile:
It's easy. He simply goes to some American town with years of inbreed, and makes some posters with okiN on it. Then, he asks all the inhabitants one by one "what's my name?", holding the poster in front of their faces. They'd never guess it's Niko, and because they lost the bet, they have to pay him 5 dollars. After some towns he has his millions. ;p
Garth said:
It's always easier to point at him than the whole system that got him there.

I personally do point at the system, I'm no friend of the people, or the courts, or any sort of government states. If I could I would point a whole army at them, but seeing as I can't, I'll ***** a lot.
Pavlov said:
Garth said:
It's always easier to point at him than the whole system that got him there.

I personally do point at the system, I'm no friend of the people, or the courts, or any sort of government states. If I could I would point a whole army at them, but seeing as I can't, I'll ***** a lot.

Whatever floats yer boat :smile:
Thats a hilarious movie thanks man. I'm Italian and I can give you an international view, although anyone should get the same idea from watching a US news program or political review,Bush sucks and the US sucks. hehe. Not just the US though most of the world sucks and now days everyone has stupid problems that could be resolved easily if people wanted to work together and stop worrying about money. Really,sadly,the best ay to make money today is scams,and its not considered bad becaus ethen every buisness man in the world would be in prison LOL. People need to work together and stand up to the stupidity of the world. No one does anything to help anyone, its the pure truth. A no money system would be the best way. Many people think about it but then they get married or get some money and decide well im happy oh well ill just live my life and not worry about other people. People just say bear with it or learn to live with it or get used to it. this is not the way to fix things. However all or most of the world would have to be one country for the plan to work. There could be 0 inports or exports. It really could work. People just need to try. And stop getting incompetent leaders. Im not just dissing Bush im dissing everyone. The UN was suposed to fix the world and bring peace. All they do is prevent huge wars like WWII almost nothing else. I am not just some idealistic kid, I am 27 and this could work if people cared. If you are interested I could explain my whole plan but here is a run over: govermont: a pure straight to the people deomcracy. No leaders,everyone votes. It wouldnt be hard everyone votes on issues every week online. Financial: everyone is paid equal:essentials except for food are free as long as you dont get 25 computers for no reason hehe,depending on family size you get food points,probably extra then you would need. Then for things like modifications and big houses and stuff like that there woudl be a misc. money too. most things except for like houses would be 1 point, and you get somewthing like 5 every week. i am a standardist. Everyone gets same stuff. You can choose from a number of cars and houses for free and extra would be misc. money. You have to have misc. money or there is no reason to work hard. There would be deductions and regains and bonuses in this too for how you work. And everything would be paid for. Even if it is an easy job as long as it is essential or atleaset important. I hope that eventually you can have robots for manual labor and things no one wants to do.
Agree with ya Septus :razz: We gotta talk more :smile:

Oh yeah, thanks again for showing me M&B :razz:

(btw I'm tryin to get in Roma Victor beta xD)
Sounds good septus , but there is simply to many greedy arseholes in the world , they would never agree to it because they dont believe everyone is their equal , and all those rich idiots would simply hire hitman or something to kill off all the people supporting the idea (ok thats a little extreme i know :razz:) But i cant see it ever happening unfortuantly , definatly not in our life time.

I dont 100% agree with you on everyone votes for everything , that could get tedius , i think a system where you have say 500 different council members , who all vote for the minor things , but then everyone 18+ gets to vote for the larger issues , that way they wouldnt get too pigheaded.
Direct democracy isn't anything new, we've been there before and it doesn't work. Most people won't care to do some research on the subject they are voting on, they will rely only on what they hear on TV, from newspapers, etc., thus giving media waaay to much power. Public opinion would change from day to day and people would always go for populist choices, they won't see the bigger picture, which is needed to run the state efficiently.

And what you suggest about same wage to everyone, well... Why would I devote 20 years of my life to studying when some random guy who has only elementary school will work in some factory line and have the same wage as me? Same wages discourage competition and competition plays essential role in society. With no competition nobody would care to improve or develop his skills. Without competition we would extinct as a race a long time ago.
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