OSP Code Campaign Recruit in towns.

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This code will add new menu for recruiting noble warriors in town.As i never found recruit in towns osp (expect one for txt files and one which i didnt like) i decided to make one myself so here it is

If in any case someone wants to use this code he can do it freely i dont require nor credits nor messaging me nor anything.Altrough i would apreciate feedback so i can improve it.

This code is probably amateurish but hey it works LOL :grin:
Hope you like it... And if there is code of this kind which is better than mine which i didnt find i would gladly delete this topic not to fill forum with useless things :grin:

Edit (Earendil): Copy pasted code into the OP
###put this in module game_menus somewhere like below join_tournament menu

         (party_get_free_companions_capacity, "$player_nobles_capacity", "p_main_party"),
         (store_faction_of_party,"$nobles_faction","$current_town"), #tells in which faction you are    
         (try_begin), #begins assigning nobles to variables determined by faction
           (assign,"$nobles","trp_swadian_man_at_arms"), #you can change trp_swadian_man_at_arms,trp_vaegir_horseman...with wahtever you want.
           (assign,"$nobles", "trp_khergit_horseman"),
           (else_try), #in case leader of faction is player
           (assign,"$nobles","trp_slave_crusher"), #put here player faction noble troops i puted (whatever)trp_slave_crusher as i was lazy :P xD
        ,"Recruit noble warriors.",
        (try_begin), #makes "more renown-more troops"
            (ge,"$player_noble_renown",800), #if player has more than 800 renown he can get more nobles
          (try_begin), #last check.if player have more than 500 renown and 10 free stacks at party
            (gt,"$player_noble_renown",500), #500 renown is minimum for recruititing nobles.change it as you wish
            (gt,"$player_nobles_capacity",10), #10 free party stacks is minimum for recuiting nobles change it as you wish.NOTE that you need to change :upper_num_nobles if you change this.
            (store_mul,":nobles_cost",":num_nobles",98), #cost per noble is 98.Also change it as you wish.(2 nobles=2*98,3 nobles=3*98...etc)
            (party_add_members,"p_main_party","$nobles",":num_nobles"), #this line add nobles to player party ($nobles=type of noble player is getting,:num_nobles=number of nobles player will get,by default this is random)
            (display_message,"@{reg4} {s4} have just joined your party.",0x00dacd), #this will display message how much nobles and which type is recuited
            (jump_to_menu,"mnu_got_nobles"), #this line redirects to mnu_got_nobles (check end of this file) if player succesfully recruited nobles
            (jump_to_menu,"mnu_rejected_by_nobles"), #redirects to mnu_rejected_by_nobles if player renown is too small/little (whatever).By default min renown is 500
            (jump_to_menu,"mnu_rejected_by_nobles_no_money"), #redirects to mnu_rejected_by_nobles_no_money if player doesnt have enough money to recruit (98 per noble and number of nobles is random)
            (jump_to_menu,"mnu_rejected_by_nobles_no_place"), #redirects to mnu_rejected_by_nobles_no_place if player has not enough place in party.
####and put these at the end of game_menus file just behind last bracket (])

    "As nobles never heard of you no one of them wants to follow you.",
    [       (set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_camp"),

    "Even if some of them want to follow you,your leadership is not high enough to lead them.(need more than 10 free slots in party).",
    [       (set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_camp"),],

    "You don't have enough money to hire nobles.",
    [(set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_camp"),],

    "You just got trained and hardened soldiers.If you treat them well they will defend you in many battles.",
    [(set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_camp"),],
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