Ordering lords to rally to a castle/town when grand marshall, how long ?

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I became grand marshall - finally i can get things done :wink: I'm trying to marshall all the lords to a city, by tlaking to a lord and saying 'rally the army' here etc...etc..., anybody have an idea how long it takes?

I've waited about 2 days, kind of getting ready myself, only to notice while travelling about that most of the lords are still sitting in their castle.

When i get the quest by a marshall, it's max 4-5 days I think, does the same apply to the AI lords?

Do not count on anyone showing up.  If they do show up, don't count on them sticking around to actually help.  The AI routines for allied lords are atrocious and not at all conducive to getting anything done.  Your best bet for taking castles and towns is just to count on your own party and keep it full of top tier melee troops.  They are your best bet for sieges.  Rhodock sergeants, Nord Huscarls, and Swadian Knights will all serve equally well.  You may think it sounds crazy but 50 of these troops  will take any town in the game, no matter how well defended, if properly led.
You don't have to wait for them at the town- they eventually catch up to you wherever you are.  But yeah, they are pretty  much useless.  I just tell them to patrol around strategic places while I take care of the serious business.
Ah that's a shame, i was hoping finally they'd listen and stick around while i sieged towns, they did help when I took Sargoth...but since then, they'll follow me for literally just half a day then wander off.
Sadly, yeah. but there is a much improved 'marshalism' in many other non-native mods

Sword of Damocles and Native Expansion, just to name a few.
I dont have note any major problem as Marshall on Native (1.011).
Other lords respect order well, untill "rally armies here".
If you ask them "to follow you", they will be close enough to help you during siege assault.

Will you stay the Marshall untill you yield in battle or is there a time limit ?
I think that if you are defeated you are not the marshall anymore, or until there's another election. I waited some weeks without doing anything, just resting in my town and an election was called.

Also, the lords' AI when you are marshall is really bad, but I wonder if someone knows a way to edit this in the files. I really don't know what makes lords start a new task, but it would be great if, by tweaking the text files, you could cancel their free will when they are ordered by you. So until you tell them that they are free to do what they want, they will follow you. This would make sense and would make being a marshall much more easier.

The "start a campaign" thing is utterly useless.

What you should do is to build up a very good relationship (over 80) with 4-5 lords, then find them and tell them to follow you every time you need something done. The higher relation you have, the less likely they are to abandon you during siege build time.

4-5 lord armies provide plenty of cannon fodder (arrow fodder?) for you to take any town or castle you desire.
I still the Marshall after been defeated.
So, probably just a time limit... maybe linked to action launched, maybe.

For sure, you can always ask friendly lords to "follow you" as a regular lord.
But as the Marshall, they will accept to "follow you" even with low relation (tested with 3 pts),
and the major thing : you control all allies troops on battlefield  :wink:
yehrom said:
I still the Marshall after been defeated.
So, probably just a time limit... maybe linked to action launched, maybe.

For sure, you can always ask friendly lords to "follow you" as a regular lord.
But as the Marshall, they will accept to "follow you" even with low relation (tested with 3 pts),
and the major thing : you control all allies troops on battlefield  :wink:

Yeah and also when being a marshall lords join you in sieges. When they follow you only for having a good relation and you are not marshall they won't join the siege, which is quite anoyying.

Stubb said:
The higher relation you have, the less likely they are to abandon you during siege build time.

Are you sure about that? It seems to me that its more random, like if there was a trigger activated randomly that sets that lord to start a new task.
Once, as a marshall of Swadia, I had a certain lord (his name escapes me) follow me about for ages.

His force joined me in about six battles (which we all won nicely) and about two sieges...It was pretty cool.

I hope Warband tightens up the army marshalling system, as it has potential to be much fun...
First reply said it all - don't count on them. If you're in enemy lands, and you've ordered a rally, it means that some lord might stop his fooling around with serf women to come and make war, eventually. He won't come in time to help you or anything; but he will hopefully run into a lord party and distract them while you do the sieges you need to. Or, alternatively, chase after a caravan so it doesn't distract the ADD lords you enlisted to actually "help" you with the siege.
It would be nice to have a feature where you could set campaign directions to the other lords (and they obey) so they will ride out and engage enemy forces.
Alternatively, an option to set objectives and targets for the entire army as Marshall...Like telling some lords to conquer a city, while others patrol the area...
Now, we know how to become Marshall.

But now, the MAJOR CASE for me is... how to QUIT it?

I'm tired of being Marshall  :sad:

Because everytime I besiege or battle with other lords, MORALE always drop down.

Or I have to be it forever?

165 days since became Marshall (Latest patch)...
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