SP - General Option to command AI ally troops in battle

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Maybe it had been suggested before but my lazy search didn't come up with anything so;

When player joins an AI vs AI battle or an ally AI close by decide to join ours, instead of listening to our command they rather do their own thing, which is usually suicidally charging head on or making a stance somewhere not we'd want and undermine any pre-battle strategy we had.

May it be considered to add an option to battle menu in order to command all ally troops in a battle by spending some influence like calling them to our own army? Something like:

- Attack
- Send Troops
- Leave
- Spend XXX influence to command all ally troops

I believe it'd solve a lot of player frustration about these kind of battles.
Good suggestion! The lord should take into account his own traits and the difference in tactics when calculating the required influence/gold/whatever (at least this way tactics can do something useful). This could also give charm to the player.
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