SP - General Option to choose which member of the other clan you want to marry off your family

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Could you please create an option to choose which member of the other clan you want to marry off your family. Right now you can only choose who you want to marry from your clan but you don't have an option to choose which member of the other clan you want to marry off them. That is a big issue because the Al clan leaders always offer the oldest of their suitors. As a Sturgian clan leader, I don't want to marry my young clan members with old widows or members who are not Sturgian because they can't give our clan the next generation of Sturgian heirs so we can continue getting culture bonuses and effectively governing our Stugian Cities and castles. It is very frustrating to see how young suitors from other clans (same culture of my Clan "Sturgian") are not available for marriage and grow old because the Al clan leader has to marry the oldest members first. Withing a clan you have suitors from different cultures so It would be a game changer if you make that option available to choose which member of the other clan is the best fit for your clan base on age and member culture.
They need to improve the number of females a lot in this game. There is so many unmarried lonely lords!
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