opinions and vague ideas

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at the moment this game has no gaming value worth mentioning in my opinion, except for beta testing the combat features of a seemingly promising game.
i bought it to support the project wich i think have potential, wich i discovered during the free demo.

the state the game is in now i would suggest starting to implement some storyline, more NPC's, travelling traders with merchandise from far far away, virtual life in other words, the fight simulator is working well enough for the rest of the game to come along and can be fine tuned at a later stage.

just my personal opinions

keep up the good work
Welcome to the forums, Brewtality. :smile:

I, and several others, would tend to disagree with you. The combat is the main feature of the game ... but it is also the most important. As you said, the game will get more fleshed out as it nears completion ... yet many of us find it quite enjoyable enough, to spend hours and hours playing the game the way it is.

As a side note: this will not turn into a flame thread. He stated his opinion in a very mature manner and it is expected that everyone else do the same.

at the moment this game has no gaming value worth mentioning in my opinion, except for beta testing the combat features of a seemingly promising game.
No gaming value?... Dang, so i've been wasting 3-4 hours a week for the past 6 months on a game with no value? :lol: I think most people on the forums will agree that this game if more fun and addictive in its unfinished state than most $60 games are. That being said, i can only imagine what 1.0 will be like. Alot of games are released with nothing but a combat system and virtually no story or other gameplay elements worth mentioning. Doom 3 for example (and 90% of EA games for that matter). So i think M&B has done quite well to have alreay surpassed all the rest in that field(just my opinion of course). All of the elements that you suggested to improve the game are already either in the works, or at the very least being considered. The game is currently being made by only two people, so with the lack of manpower it is difficult to add every suggestion that would benefit the game. Hope to hear from you in the future, welcome to the forums!
Brewtality said:
at the moment this game has no gaming value worth mentioning in my opinion, except for beta testing the combat features of a seemingly promising game.
i bought it to support the project wich i think have potential, wich i discovered during the free demo.

the state the game is in now i would suggest starting to implement some storyline, more NPC's, travelling traders with merchandise from far far away, virtual life in other words, the fight simulator is working well enough for the rest of the game to come along and can be fine tuned at a later stage.

just my personal opinions

keep up the good work

Patience child. The combat system and other game mechanics have to be perfected before much actual content can be added. Doing it the other way round would create hordes of bugs with each new feature and the new quests and the like would have to be fine-tuned at each turn, which would just create unnecessary workload for Armagan and thus delay the releasing of the game. You have to think about what's best for the game in the long run.
The game is currently being made by only two people, so with the lack of manpower it is difficult to add every suggestion that would benefit the game.

i am willing to wait 2 years for a great game, i bought the license to contribute to the project and in hope it will pay off in the future with a great game.

i am glad you and many more are enjoying the game already at the state it is in, but being the age i am, i hope for more than a hack n' slash game to be honest.

GFX is a non issue for me as long as the gameplay has enough to offer, the current state of the game GFX wise is more than satisfactory (horse movement/maneuvering especially)

i have many many wishes for the game, far too many to be written down with my gimped english vocabulary.
seeing what the dev's are capable of doing they have my full trust.
they will do an excellent job making this game legendary in the genre i am sure of, especially if people keep buying the license to support the project.
Armor Proficiency skill:
Padded Cloth
Leather Armor
Chain Armor
Plate Armor

the higher skill the faster you can move in these armors (with a certain cap for each armor based on logic)
and the protection you get from the armor is also slightly affected by your skill in that particular armor type.

if it's mentioned before then just ignore this, i don't have the time nor patience to read thru the whole forum :smile:
Armagan already added an armor proficiency skill once. Although it wasn't as complex and complete as the idea you are suggesting (quite different suggestion) it met with a minor uproar from the larger part of the community. :shrug:

It is awesome that you bought the game because you wanted to help Armagan (TaleWorlds) grow and expand and make better games. Trust me when I say that is very much appreciated.

I also wanted to add that as I am not 'younger' by any means ... I found your comment about being the age you were, quite funny. Call me a kid anyday ... trust me, I don't mind! :razz:

Brewtality said:
i hope for more than a hack n' slash game to be honest.
Welcome to the club.

Unfortunately there's a strong hack'n'slash lobby here, but they shall not succeed :twisted:

As for the gaming value, I think m&b has the highest gaming value since operation flashpoint, even in the beta stage.
Personally I believe M&B to be a lot more than a simple hack n' slash in the state it is in now. Although I agree that the main emphasis is based on combat, I would also dare say that at the way the game is currently generating, it covers strategy, roleplay, medieveal simulation, virtual commander - hack and slash type, all at the same time.

Regarding an actual storyline, in my oppinion, that is a secondary objective. (there would probably be 50 different mods with different storylines anyways, if the editor supports that type of .... err... editing an actual story ::razz:)
The main objective, is to have a virtual world, set in medieveal concept, with fully functioning combat, strategic playing, and enough depth to the actual world for a roleplaying environment. This game already challenged the basic laws of game-making, in many fexible ways, and succeded. It is already game of its own breed, without a set 'category'. That is how I see M&B if it is developed at the same consistency as it is at the moment, however this is just my oppinion and ultimately, it is the developers (which are two people, not a multi-national company) who decide what they want M&B to become and whether they are going to concentrate on any one general concept.
would be awesome if you could in some cases challenge the leader of the enemy army (or be challenged by the enemy leader) to a "man versus man" fight, either themselves or with a champion of choice.

with conditions agreed before the match for the winning and losing part.
(loser drops weapons and back off etc.)
öfcourse there is no 100% guarantee that a band of rogues will do as agreed but can you really trust anyone? :smile:

if challenge is turned down due to various reasons the battle continue as usual, the reasons could be that you look too tough or have a nasty reputation etc.

shouldnt be too hard to implement, altho i am no programmer so i might be completely wrong about that :p
Brewtality said:
at the moment this game has no gaming value worth mentioning in my opinion, except for beta testing the combat features of a seemingly promising game.
i bought it to support the project wich i think have potential, wich i discovered during the free demo.

the state the game is in now i would suggest starting to implement some storyline, more NPC's, travelling traders with merchandise from far far away, virtual life in other words, the fight simulator is working well enough for the rest of the game to come along and can be fine tuned at a later stage.

just my personal opinions

keep up the good work

I think you need to visit http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=5461
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