[OpenSource][Tool]Bannerlord Module Installer

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What is it?
  1. It's a self contained application.
  2. Mod Author's can embed their mods to create a single file installer, and end-users/players can double click and install.
  3. Has (7z)LZMA compression built-in.
  4. Example included in the github repository.

What it does (Mod Author):
  • Packs and compresses all files inside the presented module folder
  • Packs mod information, such as name, website link, author, a banner image, etc
  • Embeds these into the executable to create a single-file installer you can share for every release of your mod.

What it does (End-User):
  • Finds where Bannerlord is installed.
  • Checks if mod already installed.
  • If installed creates a backup.
  • Then installs.
Github Link:


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