Open sea with pirates ships

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I think it would be cool to take a little turn here with Mount&Blade in being able to use the water as enemy territory and or trade routes. What i would want is docks and or cities close to the water where u can either rent or buy a ship and sail and attack boats on board and get lots of loot from it. The only problem would be that boats usually fight with cannons but i was thinking more about being able to board the enemy/trade ships and attack onboerd of that boat.
Sea Raiders, W00T!
And no, they didn't fight with cannon. Bows, crossbows, mangonells and firebarges were the order of the day. Beyond that, especailly if you wante the ship, you sailed alongside and threw grapnels and hauled the ships together and threw down boarding planks. Then the ships turned into a floating island of carnage. :twisted:
Look at illustrations of the Battle of Sluis. While Cavalry would have to be automatically robbed of their mounts, I think this would be PERFECT for mount and blade.

For some reason, I feel compelled to sing The Song of the Shieldwall :cool:

Hasten O sea-stead, over the swan road,
foamy-necked ship o'er the top of the sea,
for Hengst has called us from Gotland and Frisia
to Vortegern's country his army to be.

We'll take our pay in more precious than silver,
we'll take our plunder in richer than gold,
for Hengst has promised us land for our fighting,
land for the sons of the Saxons to hold!

Hasten O fyrdsmen down to the river,
the dragon-ship comes on the in-flowing tide!
the linden-wood shield and the old spear of ash-wood
are needed again by the cold water side.

Draw up the shieldwall O shoulder companions,
later whenever our story is told,
they'll say that we died guarding what we hold dearest,
land that the Sons of the Saxons will hold.

Hasten O house-carls northward to Stamford,
Harald Hardrada's come over the sea!
His longships he's laden with baersarks from Norway
to claim Kanute's crown and our master to be.

Bitter he'll find here the bite of our spear poinds,
hard-ruling northmen too strong to die old!
We'll grant him six feet -plus as much as he's taller-
of land that the Sons of the Saxons will hold!
MilkWeed said:
I think it would be cool to take a little turn here with Mount&Blade in being able to use the water as enemy territory and or trade routes. What i would want is docks and or cities close to the water where u can either rent or buy a ship and sail and attack boats on board and get lots of loot from it. The only problem would be that boats usually fight with cannons but i was thinking more about being able to board the enemy/trade ships and attack onboerd of that boat.

Well, sea was most important way of transport in those days, also large river could be made navigable giving some purpose to river pirates. :lol:
YEAH! OOOOH imagon... a mix between sid meirer's PIRATES! and M&b

*drools uncontrolable*
*winces at the mention of Sid Meyers Pirates* ug, that thing was so dumbed-down. . .

Anyway, I do think it'd be fun to add ship fights, perhaps as an expansion, or a "collector's edition" for those who purchased the game in beta to support the Dev team *grins shamelessly* and sold to those who didn't, or even as an added feature to M&B II. I think the ability to fall overboard should be crucial. Then plate is right out, make their ability to swim based on str-weight of equipment. If you're wearing more than your str in weight. . .down to Davy Jones you go! If not, it's like getting critically wounded in land battles, except no loss of hit-points. . .unless there's sharks.
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