Open Letter to the Developers

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I am disappointed with TaleWorlds. It's been months since we've received a significant update; we only get bug fix updates every three months. Moreover, we are not getting responses from the moderators. After playing a lot, the game becomes repetitive and lacks in terms of dialogues, diplomacy... (in terms of dialogue, I believe Warband manages to be superior). The game itself needs mods to become more interesting after a long playthrough. Anyway, I am deeply disappointed.
I am disappointed with TaleWorlds. It's been months since we've received a significant update; we only get bug fix updates every three months. Moreover, we are not getting responses from the moderators. After playing a lot, the game becomes repetitive and lacks in terms of dialogues, diplomacy... (in terms of dialogue, I believe Warband manages to be superior). The game itself needs mods to become more interesting after a long playthrough. Anyway, I am deeply disappointed.
I agree with you with all that you are saying but warband being superior in terms of dialogue, nah bruh, it is equally as ****. It may be somewhat more interesting but equally as ****.
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