one question

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in the cartographers guild why are some mods posted up top where each of them gets its own subforum while others are stuck with on forum on the bottom?
When a mod become popular enough, their requests for a sub forum will be granted, that is, if they requested it in the first place.
Whether an admin is drunk also factors into the equation.
And I suppose if they have any cloths on also affects the decision somehow.
At least that's how I understand it.
Swadius said:
When a mod become popular enough, their requests for a sub forum will be granted, that is, if they requested it in the first place.
Whether an admin is drunk also factors into the equation.
And I suppose if they have any cloths on also affects the decision somehow.
At least that's how I understand it.

So, if I'm getting what your saying, if Pavlov was a administrator, everyone's mod, EVER, would have its own sub-forum. Correct?
No, I said I'm not sure how the amount of clothing on the admin would affect the decision, I'm just saying that it would affect the decision.

Plus the sub-forums allow the modders to make multiple threads in one collective place instead of all over the Pioneer's Guild.
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