One post per person conversation game.

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Knight at Arms
I had this idea for a while, you only get to post once and have to try to have a conversation with people by editing your one post every time. Anyone care to give it a go?

Oh yeah, and for the record, it IS supposed to be confusing and ugly.

@ killer-blead

- All in the name of science.

@ Burgess

omg wtf, no hax

@ Any/Every one.

Seems like this is going to be buried with inactive topics since there are so few new posts, lol.
So if multiple people post in here how are you going to know who posted when and replied to who? If we quote others people posts in our edits things posts will get pretty big.

@ Austupaio, Thank you. :smile:

@ Temetsu is right this will get messy on the second page. We actually need some trolls to make this completely go wrong.

@ Darwin, How long have you been a mod for das Deutsche forum?

@ trevty That's hypocrisy for ya, We may not burn your book but you can burn books all you like?

Burgess said:
I'm going to fight the system and post.
Oohhh!! Rabble Rabble rabble!
Nice avatar, killer.

Hey Darwin, which board are you a language moderator on?

Oh, you're a nazi, interesting.

Yeah, my mom is fat, you want fight aboot it? Damn multi-poster. Makes you a bit of commie, actually.

Yeah, trevty is burning books while playing a bloody drum with a bone, what's new?
Yummy, a mess.

Yeah, the Bier Forum. Early question. :razz:


Err... Like 1.3 years?

Burn Burgess! Kill it with fire! He must die!
And how much of chaos it will be when there is more than one page...

Deutsches Forum

@Temuzu, not you.
Argh, I hate when someone else has nearly same name than I. I've spent last ten years with guy who has exactly same real name than me and another who has only slight difference, and believe me it's frustrating sometimes.
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