
When people buy a radio, they don't say "Oh, well, it's their first try, you gotta cut them some slack." No, they want their money's worth. True, if they pay a little, they complain less about the quality, but ultimately, they want value.
Mount&Blade delivers your money's worth, in my opinion, and more. For me, the near epic quality that M&B has in its portrayal of what fighting on horseback might be like is so self-evident; so easy to grasp, that I can only shrug my shoulders and say "To each his own." You can't argue people into liking it.
When someone who doesn't see the point of our enthusiasm, who doesn't see M&B as a brilliant evocation of what medieval-era combat might have been like; I would rather thank them for their opinion, state what I enjoy about the game and then move on.
Sorry to lecture anyone; that was not my intent. I just prefer more POSITIVE defenses!