On Its Own Merits: No Excuses

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:sad: Mount&Blade doesn't need defenders who argue that "this is only a small company, limited budget, give them a break." This sounds like an excuse, albeit a fair excuse, but still an excuse.

When people buy a radio, they don't say "Oh, well, it's their first try, you gotta cut them some slack." No, they want their money's worth. True, if they pay a little, they complain less about the quality, but ultimately, they want value.

Mount&Blade delivers your money's worth, in my opinion, and more. For me, the near epic quality that M&B has in its portrayal of what fighting on horseback might be like is so self-evident; so easy to grasp, that I can only shrug my shoulders and say "To each his own." You can't argue people into liking it.

When someone who doesn't see the point of our enthusiasm, who doesn't see M&B as a brilliant evocation of what medieval-era combat might have been like; I would rather thank them for their opinion, state what I enjoy about the game and then move on.

Sorry to lecture anyone; that was not my intent. I just prefer more POSITIVE defenses! :smile:

For an indy game, it already has an enormous following, one which is likely to grow as development continues. It delivers something nobody else has done, and does it well. I constantly find myself amazed that I when I look up at the clock and 5 hours have passed playing a game which does not yet even have more than a sketch of a storyline. Simply amazing.

Ignoring forum trolls is the path of least frustration. Besides, why waste time with that when you could be fighting dark knights and the low-born Vaegir?

I personaly find it enormously depressing that M&B is automatically discounted by many because of its graphics.
Ive showed this to a few friends and they said things like: "Oh my God, the graphics are horrible! How can you play that thing?!"
I haven't really seen anyone flame this game on it's graphics, but I know that some would. It's sad to see how some people will easily trade gameplay and value for eye candy. Fatties.

Then again the good news is that none of them stay here long. :lol:
I agree. I feel this game sucks, sorry, just my opinion.

Make all the excuses you want, such as "It's their first effort" or "Its a 2 person team!" or "It's beta". Whatever.. The game seems weak as hell and yes, the graphics are a throwback to 5 years ago.

I just don't see the love affair with this, plenty of good games out there, try fanboying something actually cool. Fate is a great game, try that, it deserves any fanboism layed on it.
Aranath said:
I agree. I feel this game sucks, sorry, just my opinion.

Make all the excuses you want, such as "It's their first effort" or "Its a 2 person team!" or "It's beta". Whatever.. The game seems weak as hell and yes, the graphics are a throwback to 5 years ago.

I just don't see the love affair with this, plenty of good games out there, try fanboying something actually cool. Fate is a great game, try that, it deserves any fanboism layed on it.

If you don't like Mount&Blade, please leave. Also, please don't advertise. It is better for everyone that way.
Aranath said:
I agree. I feel this game sucks, sorry, just my opinion.

Make all the excuses you want, such as "It's their first effort" or "Its a 2 person team!" or "It's beta". Whatever.. The game seems weak as hell and yes, the graphics are a throwback to 5 years ago.

I just don't see the love affair with this, plenty of good games out there, try fanboying something actually cool. Fate is a great game, try that, it deserves any fanboism layed on it.

If you want to be taken seriously, please provide more in depth comments other then "weak"

I know a young boy with downs who can come up with coherent arguments. You're more intelligent then someone with downs right? So either A) state a problem, then suggest a way to fix it. Or B) leave.

Thank you.
Let me say first that he has a right to his opinion but this is his second post basically trashing the game. Youd think *one* would be enough and he would go on his merry way. Personally I dont trash games I dont like on their forums, I just stop playing them and forget all about it.

I wouldnt make too much of it though, we all know hes just a kid looking to stir the pot.
Heh...graphics is weak...that alone is enough for me to categorize anyone who says such a thing into the "MTV" category...

People who take a glance at the game and judge it by graphics are not even worthy to be called "gamers"...

Course, there'll always be this group of people, who think that the latest 3d engine is what gives the game playability and gameplay, but truth is that most of these people don't even KNOW what gameplay is since they get stuck judging a game by GFX alone.

I suppose this must mean that any game that was "awesome" 3 years ago must suck today for them. O well...as said before, these folks don't hang around for long anyway, which is good.
Well you know, some are right, it is not that good looking and all, if you do compare to newer game like...... no im not going to drag up the normal games again. but still, its not the best looking game. but to say that its 5 years back in time is not realy a bad thing.

i play still play snes (and others ofcourse) games now and then, and think that why dont they make games like this anymore? grafical was not good i agree, but still they had some sort of soul in it. (then again there was some realy realy REALY bad games too) sometime you do find a pearl, and i do belive this is one of those. (not to mention it was cheap :roll:)

Been playing UnReal World latly, and i do belive that most peoples here would agree that its ugly. so ugly that when it fell down from the ugly tree it hitted every branch on the way down. still i like to see my charater grow and prosper. is this not what every one wants? to see his/hers charater grow and become better, no matter what grafic?
This game has something that others try to achieve with graphics:
Atmosphere and feeling. You feel like a war god or something when you charge a group of mountain bandits with your 15 knights
i stopped playing video games at battlefield 1942.

the graphics are fine compared to that

i just love the battle gameplay. the game is really weak in respect to being a game though, in its long term playability. almost all of my firends have got bored now, some having bought it. theres not enough to keep people interested, like, ehem, multiplayer and actual missions and characters and more bloody enemies, its so boring running into the same lackeys again and again, how about enemy champions, and more in town fighting stuff like theres the training and arena in zendar there should be more of that ****. and special weapons.

but yeh theres heaps in this game that i love and i think is some of the best **** thats come out. but its missing the things that a mainstream game needs, not just a game i like to play when im stoned
"Mount&Blade doesn't need defenders who argue that "this is only a small company, limited budget, give them a break." This sounds like an excuse, albeit a fair excuse, but still an excuse."
-Agree (to produce excuses like that is demeaning for the game and the developers both !

"Mount&Blade delivers your money's worth, in my opinion, and more."
-Absolutely !

"to say that its 5 years back in time is not realy a bad thing."

"i play still play snes (and others ofcourse) games now and then,"
-And so do I.

"and think that why dont they make games like this anymore? grafical was not good i agree, but still they had some sort of soul in it."
-Yes ! But there are games that (imho) do contain a lot of soul. Games like Morrowind, Gothic, Planescape et.al.

still i like to see my charater grow and prosper. is this not what every one wants?
-I don´t know about others, but for me it´s a given !
graphics really are a minor thing in a game. duke 3d..red alert...nethack.. probably the best game in the world, ADOM.. the list goes on. all games that i still enjoy playing, despite their out of date graphics.
Blood, Duke 3D, hexen, heretic, doom, doom 2, X-com series, jagged alliance series, heck even games from the 1980's are still fun...

All a blast to play :p
pavlov said:
I know a young boy with downs who can come up with coherent arguments. You're more intelligent then someone with downs right? So either A) state a problem, then suggest a way to fix it. Or B) leave.

Thank you.
Wait, why the shot at people with downs? EDITED BACK IN: Did people who didn't like Daikatana suggest ways to fix it?
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