Olvir White Hair quest bug

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Having trouble with the Olvir white hair quest. The one where you "mother" is transferred to you but "she" is a man, In Ulfs farmstead. You fight. In the previous playthrough I did (Didn't finish due to complications regarding everyone hating me cus I raided a monastery) it skipped the fighting and I didn't lose anybody. But now, every time I try to do it. I have to actually fight them, now that's pretty much impossible, 30(limit for entering the farm) against 60 hardened, veteran warriors? I don't think so

I have wasted so many 10s of minutes attempting to outflank them, surround them and stuff like that, but nothing works

Am I missing something?

Edit: I can almost beat it with an army of mostly Dregnrs with a few Thegns + about 10 bondars
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