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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
A lot of the posts in this section seem to be about serial keys and payment questions. I think that's linked to the exposure M&B has been getting in the media. It is a bit annoying but I would ask you not to make aggressive comments against these new players.

Maybe you think they are just trying to steal a serial key. Maybe they are. But do not lump them all together. If you think it's somebody who is lazy who does not want to pay for the game don't answer the thread. Just understand it could also be somebody with a genuine problem and by calling them a 'beggar' you are insult a potential fan.

I make this thread because in the last few days I have seen a lot of new players get attacked completely unprovoked. I think it gives a bad image of M&B and Armagan and creates an unpleasant atmosphere on this board.
Too true, we were all new at one point or another. You don't even have to necessarily change your message, you can just change the tone. Who knows, maybe the person has never used a PhpBB board before?

Consider the difference between.

Use search you big fat head! God you Noobs are annoying! Why in my day .......... (i've heard alot worse but this thread is supposed to be rated E)


You can find your answer here(insert link to helpfull thread). If you have anymore questions it will probably be faster for everyone if you use the search function or check out the stickied threads.[/url]
Exactly you put more energy into insulting a poor guy than being polite or ignoring him completely. I answer some questions because I'm checking out the forums for new mods and I feel in a helpful mood. If somebody is pissing me off then I'll go and do something else (I am not chained to my computer and limited to this site).
You calling me old????
I resemble that remark... :shock: :wink:

Yes I agree a spot of politeness goes a long way and sets a fine example for any newcomers...
Wow...this is an idiotic post.

If you've really been reading some of the posts that people have made here during the last few days then you'd have seen that they SPECIFICALLY ask for a serial key from someone else.

Now, there is only ONE and I repeat: ONE legit way of getting that key and that is buying it.

This does NOT include coming to the MB and ask someone else for it.
I agree that far too many frequent members have been overly rude to newcommers and their reposts...but when someone just comes right out and says "i don't want to spend money, how can i get this for free?", they deserve what they get IMO. As for everyone else who is new, they should be welcomed to the forums and its better for them to repost than go without knowing something(the search option needs work, and it's a hassle to find some things).
DaLagga said:
I agree that far too many frequent members have been overly rude to newcommers and their reposts...but when someone just comes right out and says "i don't want to spend money, how can i get this for free?", they deserve what they get IMO.

Thoose people who write stuff like that do it for one of two reasons. Either they really want to find the game for free somewhere, or they just want to stir up some trouble.

In either case the best way to respond to this is by not responding at all!

It will irritate the poster more than any anwer anyone can think out and it will save time for thoose who want to answer, it will also see to it that thoose posts aren't hanging around at the top of the forum.

A post asking for a serial key or download link that sits there day after day without any answer, gliding slowly off the first page of the forum, is a much better way to "give them what they deserve" than to throw insults. Chances are they were only looking for thoose insults and are having a laugh at all the commotion.
I always answer noob posts asking a dumb question but then tell them to search next time but when people come on here asking for a code they need to be told.
Slyloki said:
You calling me old????
I resemble that remark... Am I crazy? The first time I ever heard someone say "I resemble that remark." instead of "I resent that remark." Was when I was watching WWF rasslin from Madison Square Garden and Bobby the Brain called his co-commenter Gorrilla Monsoon an idiot, I wonder if Gorrilla invented that or if he was copying someone else. I like to think that it was all his because he said other goofy things like that too.
:smile: I agree with sheet: old players do not attack people asking for help.

Or: OLD PLAYERS DO NOT ATTACK PEOPLE ASKING FOR HELP (for those really old players who don't hear so well.)

They are only simple farmers and refugees driven from their homes by the war.

Remember when you first entered the forums? Constable Halreck giving you the evil eye. Dranton acting all high and mighty 'cause he was the arena champion. And Xerina wouldn't give you the time of day. Remember how Marnid just crossed his arms angrily and demanded a padded cloth before he'd join your party? And you didn't find out 'til much later that the padded cloth was actually a yellow suit used as armor.

Remember how you couldn't talk to anyone while in the city? You had to leave Zendar to say anything! Didn't feel too good, did it?

So, send me $12 dollars so my brother can play M&B too. :smile:
JohnathanStrange said:
So, send me $12 dollars so my brother can play M&B too. :smile:

Tell that doorknob to buy it himself, you doorknob!

Oh right, we shouldn't attack new members (which includes people who aren't even members yet). :smile:
We can't help it.....they ask stupid questions that would take someone with half a brain a few seconds to figure out if they actually put any effort into it.

As for asking for free serial keys....thats just wrong, they deserve all the thrashing we give them.

Just be happy its not at full price, because we would still pay for it.

For the amount of work the 2 devs put into the game and the fact that its a very entertaining game that requires skill and intelligence instead of numbers, auto attack, and gear, they deserve all the respect we can give them.

Asking for a free game is a slap in the face.

This is the only game I feel was truely worth the money I spent....and its not even finished.
This has become a mess, much like the other similar but yet different post. This community is a welcoming one, and will stay this way as long as I am here. If someone is asking a repetetive question and you just cant take it, ignore it. Obviously giving serials or asking for the is a highly punishable offence. Now, with that said, I ask from all of you, as members, and as people that I hold in high regard (esp you senior members) to if you see someone doing something that they shoulden't be, just simply to ask them to stop.

You don't need to be a mod to make a difference.
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