
At this point I take down most of my foes with one hit, what's more, it's usually at the neck region. I'm sure you can add this bonus death animation too. If it's a blade or axe, if it slashes from either of the two sides, if it does a good deal of damage (maybe 60 damage and up), if it doesn't kill the horse as well, if it hits to damage the head.
See, not easy to make heads fly, so all it does make my guy even more badass flying down that hill lopping off heads as he passes. There's so much blood squirted as it is you can't argue it's too violent.
See, not easy to make heads fly, so all it does make my guy even more badass flying down that hill lopping off heads as he passes. There's so much blood squirted as it is you can't argue it's too violent.