Okay, now you have to add a beheading animation...

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At this point I take down most of my foes with one hit, what's more, it's usually at the neck region. I'm sure you can add this bonus death animation too. If it's a blade or axe, if it slashes from either of the two sides, if it does a good deal of damage (maybe 60 damage and up), if it doesn't kill the horse as well, if it hits to damage the head.

See, not easy to make heads fly, so all it does make my guy even more badass flying down that hill lopping off heads as he passes. There's so much blood squirted as it is you can't argue it's too violent.
from what I know of making body parts going all over its a lot more coding and affects a lot of things.

It is something that really isnt NEEDED compared so many other things.
Well, it seems like a rather complicated death animation to me, but I can't begin to think about how immersive it would when your final blows at 60+ damage lop of a head. Yes, however, I agree that a lot of other stuff needs to be coded in first. I was just in a battle where I killed 4 people in one stride, slash to my right, left, right, left, and all of them were against horsemen, and all the blows were between 70 and 100 damage. I was inspired by it, but it wasn't enough, even though there was absolutely TONS of blood.
putting in some blood splatter at the ground (and on your sword!) by where your foe dropped shouldent be too hard.
i think it's enough, i get satisfaction running through four men on my horse, switching to bow and lopping two off their horses as i run away, then comin back and knockin the rest down with my scimitar, dont need heads flying to get satisfaction
If I had a nickel for every useless post...

I understand the difficulties of severed limbs, and I understand the large wave of people that think, "OMG NOCK THE ARMS OFF"

But, you simply haven't experienced the game to the point where you're ripping down a hill on a horse with a scimitar in hand doing 60-100 damage each attack.
*sarcasm*hey maybe we could even take out their guts and squeeze all the oil out of them and burn swadians on it ! *sarcasm*
DoomedOne said:
If I had a nickel for every useless post...

I understand the difficulties of severed limbs, and I understand the large wave of people that think, "OMG NOCK THE ARMS OFF"

But, you simply haven't experienced the game to the point where you're ripping down a hill on a horse with a scimitar in hand doing 60-100 damage each attack.

Says the person who made a new topic when a very large thread that covers the same topic already exists and is in fact at the top of the page on the main suggestion forum.
Why are so many people obsessed with severed limbs? What's the point of it? I have enough enjoyment out of fighting, I don't need pointless decapitating or cutting limbs off, as it serves no purpose what so ever.
EasyCo506 said:
Why are so many people obsessed with severed limbs? What's the point of it? I have enough enjoyment out of fighting, I don't need pointless decapitating or cutting limbs off, as it serves no purpose what so ever.

Seconded. Not to mention how unrealistic it is.
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