Ok I'm completely new to Modding

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Alright guys I've played Mount and Blade for awhile now and I really love the game but I have some ideas that I want to try and implement into the game but I have no modding experience.
Do I need certain programs to mod this game?

And is there any thing I can read up on to start to understand how to actually mod?

Are there any websites that I can check out? Any help from you guys would be much appreciated.

If I could get as much info as possible that would be awesome
And the sticky thread has info on doing things manually that the editor can't do. It is also the only (current) way to make triggers and conversations.
Hmmm this sounds to simple, what program do I have to become proficient in to make new content to add though? Is it C++ or what...I could really use an all around break down of what modding is and how to do it..
(Although thanks for the info so far guys..I'm just looking for more info and direction)
When the mod tools come out, you have to learn whatever they are. What you have to learn for now depends on what you want to do. Changes to items and troops just need you to use the editer, which has a very intuitive interface (well, if you use the mouse. Don't use the tab keys). Changes to models can't be done unless you convince noobsaibot to add them into Hugemod. Big content changes need you to learn the trigger and conversation systems from their informational threads. Check the sticky. I'm guessing you mostly want to changes troops and such. Unless you add NEW units, instead of changing them, all this needs is the editor. No programming or anything is necessary. Even if you want to make manual item changes, the most advanced tol you'll need is a calculator that can convert binary to decimal.
Ahh ok...thanks for all the help everyone...I feel kinda lame for not knowing any of this stuff yet but hey give me some time and I'll get better.. Thanks again!
Holy cow guys I'm alittle lost with the unofficial editor...I'm understanding how to mod the in game items stats and such but how in gods green earth are you guys changing the way they look and such??? I'm completely lost with that
ok I downloaded The Gimp and stuff and I can bring the images up in Gimp but when ever I try to edit them it looks incredibly unprofessional..is there a way to just lay an image over the top of what is in the template? Or do I have to get better at drawing and such with a mouse.......also I was wondering if I can use Gimp to mod things like Rome total war too? or other games too?
Youre the first other person who does not go on the aom forums that i have seen who uses gimp. IM NOT ALONE!

although I have no idea if it will work for M&B
Yeah it was a program someone uses in the sticky at the top of the forum....by the way what is aom? I've never seen that acronym before. Also I can't say if it works or not I'm still just playing with it and seeing what all the tools do and such..(which is a pretty slow process, I could use a tutorial)
Age Of Mythology. It seems that texturing for that and texturing for this are very different, however. People keep talking about photographs and its confusing :shock: :shock: :shock:
The Laughing Storm said:
Yeah it was a program someone uses in the sticky at the top of the forum....by the way what is aom? I've never seen that acronym before. Also I can't say if it works or not I'm still just playing with it and seeing what all the tools do and such..(which is a pretty slow process, I could use a tutorial)

There are few tutorials at the official gimp website. You might also find the gimp-savvy website useful.

When you are familiar with the tools and stuff like layers and different filters, you can try reading tutorials made for other software such as photoshop and paint shop pro. They might give you ideas how to do different kinds of textures in gimp.
To change codes you have to know C++
To add new models you should know modelling with programs like Blender(free), 3dmax Studio (not free), Maya (far from free)
To skin already created models, you can again use 3dmax but photoshop or paintshop should be more than sufficient and easier (if you only want to skin)
Sweet thanks for the references and programs and such guys, out of curiosity any one here have Maya or 3ds Max or any of those model building softwares that cost a ton of money?
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