Oh yes, it's that time again! Upload tracking! v.3.92 Upd. 24:28 EST

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Making last minute checks and gathering information...

Feature list has been updated for the 3.92 release. 3.93 features will be implemented for whenever the next release is ready.

Update 2:
Made some equipment buy able that wasn't before.

Update 3:
Updating Installer Text...

Update 4:
Ran a quick test and now compiling installer...

Update 5:
Installer size is around 440MBs

Update 6:
Made some last minute changes again, compiling...  :mrgreen:

Update 6:
Uploading to ModDB, MB Repository, GameFront, and Updating Desura.
It's gonna take an hour to upload this.  :sad:

Update 7:
It's taking for-ev-er for ModDB 68% 20mins lefet. The Repository is next. I'm glad I'm doing this right before the Weekend.

Update 8:
MB Repository is moving sluggish too, It'll also take a hour or less.

Update 9:
MBRep 35mins 36%

Update 10:
MBRep 25mins 55%

Update 11:
MBRep 14mins 80%

Update 12:
http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=2606 Done! Desura and Filefront are next...

Update 13:
http://www.gamefront.com/files/21068503/sod_warlords_3_92_exe Filefront is done, all that is left is Desura.
The uploading is going fine. I tried to upload to two sites at the same time... well that wasn't the best idea, but at least I tried. If I'm in the mood or have the time I'll make a much needed trailer for SOD. I really would like to make two trailers though, one for the features and strategy, the other for battles.

:shock: I'm surprised that this installer is a 100MBs bigger than 3.89. Many of the textures were improved upon and optimized, they can use more optimization though. If people run into video memory problems I'll make a low memory version of the resource files.
Awesome .. and large. Get to downloading, computer!

Good job getting everything put together. I'll go and get wasted on SoD now.  =D
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