oh boy, i'm nervous

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Last friday I meta girl, with whom I exchanged phonenumbres, today she send me about 6 text messages, and we kind of have a date now for next saturday. (just going out to the place where I met her)

my problem now is, that I'm good at getting girls phone numbres when I don't expect annything and Just want to toy with them a bit and randomly try out lines.

but when it comes to these things where I actually have contact with the girl after I exchanged numbres (normally i ask the number and never call, this time I also gave her mine and she contacted me) I have no idea what to do. I get a feeling in my head that sais: uh oh, now you have something to lose, you could screw this up badly. so I'm nervous as hell and it isn't even saturday! so tell me, what do you guys do to calm you down? how do you conquer these insecurities? I think I like this girl :sad:
i do drugs. but i don't know if it will work for you.

my advise. it's not bad to be nervous. if the girl is really nice she will think it's cute and it will just show your not a p.i.m.p.
however if this girl wants a player or a p.i.m.p. you can forget about it. but no loss. because who wants a girl like that.
i don't
she seemed verry sweet to me, she had this sweet laugh.

and she send me 3 textmessages 30 minutes after she left the club friday. afterwards I didn't contact her and today she send me 6 textmessages.

I don't do drugs annymore

EDIT: only pzler responded yet out of the 9 people that viewed this?
Temujin said:
EDIT: only pzler responded yet out of the 9 people that viewed this?

C'mon Temujin, it's very individual feeling. Every single one needs something else to overcome emotions.
But one thing is important - of course according to me. Be yourself. If you'll be yourself and it will not be accepted that would mean "wrong girl" whatever you think. If you play someone else to yourself, and even if this would impress this girl, you will feel uncomfortable having this mask and finally everything will break.
If you will be accepted as you are then everything good can happen.
So I propose attitude "I have nothing to lose, I'm myself in every situation". And it works for me. Ok, I'm married, but I wasn't married all the time, was I? :wink:
And I agree to not use drugs. Good choice. Drugs can transfer you to someone else, but not you.
Good luck Temujin :grin:
yeah I'm planning to be myself, but I'm mostly worried of what I could possibly have to offer her.

I have a body full of scars, I'm verry skinny and I'm short, so I don't have much to offer when it comes to that.

I'm walking with cruches for at least 3 more years so i can't protect her if something happens or if someone is being a jerk.

I'm unemployed and deemed unfit to work.

All I have to offer is my cheerfull personallity (I'm happy 99,9% of the time) and the fact that I do have a nice amount of money in the bank.

but I don't have a car or annyhting like that
Frankly Temujin I really believe your sheer personality is enough to impress wise and intelligent girl. WISE AND INTELLIGENT. Only such count. Rest is good for one time to be (if somebody likes such free sex. Me personally not).
If you're seriously interested then listen to - when you're in love you get unbelievable strenght. All weaknesses can be overcome with ease. You get very strong motivation to work on your body, character, works, health etc. All it happens and you don't have to worry about your will.
And again - WISE AND INTELLIGENT girls pays lot more attention to personality, character, sense of humour than to physical body and amount of money. I repeat - WISE AND INTELLIGENT. Of course it's good to have strong muscles, to be tall etc. But it is not as important.
I had discussions with lot of girls. They told me sometimes big secrets. Well, I have somethin that they like to talk to me and look for advice. Don't know exactly why. But I've got above information thanks to those discussions.
Of course there are lot of woman personalities, but in general above I consider to be one of the few really worthy bigger attention from the man.
And I believe your girl is one of them. Your statement about the laugh reveals me this.
Once again Good luck! :grin:
Well I'll tell you what I do. First of all I go into that "**** it all" mind state, then If I actually like the girl, or want to like the girl I'm meeting, I take a few shots 20-30 min before we go out. Not to get drunk or even tipsy, but to relax a little bit. Another thing if you actually like her, and want to get to know her, wack off before you go. So that way your primary target isen't to get layed that night (causing you to say perhaps dirty/nasty/etc things) but to have a conversation with her and to find out about her.

Most importantly once again, have that "**** it all" mind state, just keep reminding yourself that you have nothing to lose, and that there are tons of women all over the place.

Also what works for me, is that I tell myself "If she dosen't like me, I can always kill her" It gives you more confidence, even if you don't plan on killing her. Just knowing that you can, it's all about that.
Pavlovs right. All if she seems like a nice and understanding member of the wro... opposite gender, you can always apologize for being a bit nervous.
Well, take this advice from someone who actually is pretty ancient and has had his share of dates, gfs and live ins.

Never think about sex while you are out with her. It will just preoccupy you, get you nervous and then youll just clam up or act strange. Best thing to do is totally forget its a "date" and just act like you are meeting a friend. Have fun with your buddy for a few hours and honestly dont have an expectation of anything else. This is the easiest way to deal with a first date if you are nervous.

Past the first date THE TRICK to actually getting anywhere with her and not being classified as a "nice guy but just friends" is to know when to change gears with the friend stuff. If you keep up the nice-guy act too long without signalling some intent you will most likely lose her interest. By change gears I dont mean start acting weird, I just mean you need to try to get a kiss in to signal intent. At some point an opportunity will present itself for a kiss and you should try not to miss it. If you miss the signal too often she may get pissed off and thats not good. Generally they dont like a guy who isnt even a little bit assertive. Trust me, when I was younger I missed the signal plenty of times, its a no-no and sometimes a fickle girl wont give you many chances (esp young ones).

So thats my advice. Forget about getting anywhere with her at first but dont miss the signals when they come. You could miss a few on the first date with no real harm but past that keep your eye open for an opportunity to establish your interest.
^^ tehe, slip her the pecker all incognito and ****, so shes all like "oh my goodness, what is this? oh why it's a penis!" hahaha hahahah AHAHA hahah AHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA THATS RIGHT *****! here is your subliminal messege, *SLAP*.

Eherm, he does make good points tho. Altho, if you missinterpret a signal, and it turns out to not be a single, boy are you screwed. Also, what Matrix said, as usual he makes a very good point, be yourself. Thats the best thing to do for most people.
Yeah I kindda want to know too. Considering... Temu hasen't posted in a while... I hope he didn't kill himself because of this.

temu? did you kill yourself?
Mybe we should file a missing persons report.
Or mybe they just really hit it off and have been.......naa.

His last post was Aug 02.
i'm worried about the poor guy

he is a pain in the @$$ but he sort of grows on you :grin:

pleaaaaaase come back temu!!!!!!
I'm back,

she turned out to be not my type. pretty stupid really, I went to her city but was early, so i hang out with some Nepalese guys living in belgium, later I saw the girl but after 20 minutes decided she was boring me, and I also concluded she was an attention whore. lots of guys constantly competing for her atention, so I decided to leave and hang with the nepalese guys. unfortianoutly I couuldn't find them so I went to a mate who lived nearby and slept at his place.

I saw her the next day by accident, in her common clothing and got turned off completely :sad: she seemed like a chav type (een klote kamper) to me.

the next day I went tt he train station to pick up a mate visiting me from the netherlands, he's gone now tough.

I'm a bit disapointed because when I first met her she seemed so nice, but the second time was one turn of following the other.
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