Ogg vs. Mp3

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if its already mp3, converting to ogg will not improve the quality and might make it worse.
Only bother converting to ogg from a non-lossy format such as .wav, (actually mp3 file will work if it has a high bitrate) and try to keep the sound file mono, most games go bonkers or just use one side when stereo sound is used.
spiritwind said:
... converting an mp3 to an ogg what ogg settings should you use?
Both mp3 and ogg are compressed formats. So it's never a good idea to convert between any of these.
For best result you should start out with proper quality in wav.
The quality of the sound depends mostly on the sampling and bit rate.
Make sure the sampling rate isn't below 44Khz and the bitrate shouldn't be much lower than 128.

You won't achieve better quality in any way by converting between mp3 and ogg.,
but if converting make sure the quality isn't any lower than the original.
The ogg. format compresses madly, so it's certainly an advantage when keeping files small.
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