offer my help for an italian translation

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talking with some friends on italian forums, we agreed that an italian translation of texts would improve greatly the fame of this awesome game. so, i'm quite good in english (modestly :roll: ) and i'm totally sure that if i knew what to change i can make a beautyfull italian translation mod. obviously, if the programmer of the game (never remember his name... however) says it's ok and if it doesn't alredy exist. so, i'm asking you, what files shouldi mosify? do i need a particular program or it's just about changing text lines? a brief tutorial should be very usefull, even for players of other nations who would do the same. THX :grin:

p.s. i'm lvl 7 and i'm starting to go litterally crazy for this game.

edit: if the files to change are too complicated, and if someone wants to help me in my "quest", i can even only give all the translated names and lines of text. they are lots, but hard work never scared me.
The .txt files in Mount&Blade\Modules\Native would be the place to start. Look for all the text in those file and convert them. You could use the Unofficial Editor to help or try the Module System python scripts if you prefer.

There are also some files in Mount&Blade\Data that probably would need translation. And you should do some tests for non English characters to see if the font that is being used will handle them.

You will undoubtedly run into some hard coded strings, but when you find those you can probably get Armagan to change them by posting in the Suggestions forum.

Great idea.
Thanks a lot for your kind offer and support Baddo. I'm planning to release a localisation system sometime which will make it easier to translate the game. (it'll be possible to translate the game by simply editing an excell sheet.) Without such a localisation system, translating the game would be very problematic because:
(a) you'll need to redo a lot of work with every new version release.
(b) many pieces of text are hardcoded into the game and can't be changed.

so, you may as well consider waiting for the localization system (That may take a few months though)
armagan said:
Thanks a lot for your kind offer and support Baddo. I'm planning to release a localisation system sometime which will make it easier to translate the game. (it'll be possible to translate the game by simply editing an excell sheet.) Without such a localisation system, translating the game would be very problematic because:
(a) you'll need to redo a lot of work with every new version release.
(b) many pieces of text are hardcoded into the game and can't be changed.

so, you may as well consider waiting for the localization system (That may take a few months though)
yes, i knew there would have been problems of code such like those. however, i just wanted to tell you that i'm an italian owner with good english knowledge, and i'll wait anxiously for your localisation system. by the way, i find very good with the game even in english, infact most the games i have are in english- but a translation would enlarge a community, and more users-more fun.

by the way, surely someone alredy proposed a multiplayer option for the game. is this opinable? or is this idea just crazy? or am I just talking too much? :oops:
Nice idea Baddo. I'm considering doing the same in French at some point, but I would definitely wait for the localization system to be active before attempting to do so.
Too bad Baddo, Sometime soon, no multiplayer will be possible, its sad, but at this moment im possoble

Hmmm... It may not be difficult for me to dump all the text strings from the Unofficial Editor into a single file and set it up so it can load those back in.

A comma delimited file could be loaded into excel (or whatever). Something like:

string_id, text1, text2
itm_smoked_fish,smoked fish,

I could also then add a loader that would take a given translation and overwrite the text. That way once you did it you wouldn't need to do it again.

I'll add it to my list...
Effidian said:
Hmmm... It may not be difficult for me to dump all the text strings from the Unofficial Editor into a single file and set it up so it can load those back in.

After thinking about this a little more, I think I will not add it to the editor for two reasons.

1. There are still strings that are common to all module in files that I don't write (Data directory for example)
2. There are strings in M&B that are not currently in the .txt files.

So, I'm not sure it would be worth it at this point to add support for this to the unofficial editor. We'll just need to wait for Armagan's localization support.
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