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I don't have a screenshot but has anyone noticed that sometimes the battlefield X on the main map misrepresents the size of some battles. I had 20 men against 5 river pirates and after the battle this huge X said 255 combatants or something.

Sorry if someone has already posted about this, I didn't notice it anywhere.
I'm not quite sure what the purpose of a screenshot would be.

All it would do is show a X marking a battleground which all of us have seen before, and instead of "combatants: 20" it would say "combatants: 255"

Btw, I think i've also seen this, at least this rings a bell.
chadz said:
I'm not quite sure what the purpose of a screenshot would be.

All it would do is show a X marking a battleground which all of us have seen before, and instead of "combatants: 20" it would say "combatants: 255"

Btw, I think i've also seen this, at least this rings a bell.

It is for credibility Chadz, not to have a cool picture of something.... :wink:
Maybe I'm naive, but i doubt that anyone posts a bug (which isn't even a "funny" one) just to have a laugh out of it :wink:

And if someone would, it'd be a matter of 5 minutes to add another digit to the pic :smile:
I'm not sure if the X updates as the battle progresses.

i.e. if a battle starts with 100 combatants, it continues to state 100 combatants even when the armies involved have almost wiped each other out. It also appears to count prisoners as combatants for some reason.

But 255 combatants seems right out.

The combatants were my hero party a small caravan and 5 swadian knights + 7 swadian men at arms who had attacked the caravan. But still that doesn't count to 216 XD.


I think this is a good proof. My char is level 19 so it's impossible that a battle could even be that big as of now.

Kinda funny though... small red arrows from three different parties and then *whoomsh* a huge X.

*edit* i checked the arrow sizes and the say 9 and 12-13 as the caravan and the swadians
Found one again: http://img439.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hugex54ch.jpg

This time it was vaegir scouts fighting swadian foragers. I joined in a woomsh.
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