Odd cursor, barely visible

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I wasn't sure if it was a bug or not, so I decided to post it here:

when playing the game, the cursor looks like very small silver text saying "D3D", and it's very hard to see, especially on the brown backgrounds.

Not only that, but the hotspot (clicking point of the cursor) is offset quite a bit. I'm used to the cursor now, but it's always been a major hassle for me, and I'm wondering if it's supposed to be like this, or if it's some kind of bug.
It is a bug, and i believe I have seen this question posted before. Check the 'customer support' section of the forum. In the meantime, all I can suggest is that if you have a customised cursor, change it back to the plain old boring white MS windows default when playing M&B.
Hotpoint on mine is fine.
I think the D3D thing is temporary, possibly the default mouse marker for the software they use. I think they have more important things to work on than the mouse pointer right now.
On this computer I have a curser from age of Mythology and it works fine, but on the other compomputator it comes up with the d3d thingy
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