Big J Money

Well, it's been a while since I've played M&B, but it seems that there have been enough updates lately, that it would be a good time to come back and start testing again. I haven't gotten past the trainer yet, though. Here are a few, very fundamental suggestions from seeing the game "for the first time" all over again:
Combat AI has the enemy sticking himself to the player too much. I think it would be appropriate to see the enemies back off a little more often, and prepare for a new attack. The way they stick to the player, you'd think they were trying to grapple or something. Not only does this make it hard for the player to get off a good blow, but you'd think it would make it hard for the AI to get off a good blow, as well.
It might also be kind of neat to have a few different, basic AI combat mentalities for the AI, (examples): Insane, Aggressive, Balanced, Cautious and Cowardly.
I am in love with the new manually aimed defense moves. I would suggest maybe that when a player selects this option, though, that the AI take a hit to their percantage chance of blocking as well. Now that I see how much of a challenge it is to get a good block, it seems the AI is a little too good at it! This is not referring to shield blocking, of course.
As stated several months ago, I'd REALLY, REALLY like to have the attack direction indicator centered on the opponent's head, not their torso. I still find it exceedingly difficult to get thrusts in at close range. I tried the other attack modes, and they were good for slow attacks, but I found it hard to get quick attacks off with them. I think I'll stick to classic mode, here.
In case anyone feels like doing some reanimating, it would be nice to have the one-handed and/or two-handed thrust animation changed a bit. It doesn't look at all like a thrust, so is very hard to defend against. It looks like the person is pulling back to make a sideways slash. They really should be tucking their elbow in while pulling back, twisting their torso a bit more. For the one-handed animation, it really should look as if they are pulling their weapon back while keeping it concealed behind their shield.
Okay, we'll see if any of these ideas get a noticed, but good job on all the updates, so far. With this new blocking system, it's like having a whole new game to play!
=$= Big J Money =$=
Combat AI has the enemy sticking himself to the player too much. I think it would be appropriate to see the enemies back off a little more often, and prepare for a new attack. The way they stick to the player, you'd think they were trying to grapple or something. Not only does this make it hard for the player to get off a good blow, but you'd think it would make it hard for the AI to get off a good blow, as well.
It might also be kind of neat to have a few different, basic AI combat mentalities for the AI, (examples): Insane, Aggressive, Balanced, Cautious and Cowardly.
I am in love with the new manually aimed defense moves. I would suggest maybe that when a player selects this option, though, that the AI take a hit to their percantage chance of blocking as well. Now that I see how much of a challenge it is to get a good block, it seems the AI is a little too good at it! This is not referring to shield blocking, of course.
As stated several months ago, I'd REALLY, REALLY like to have the attack direction indicator centered on the opponent's head, not their torso. I still find it exceedingly difficult to get thrusts in at close range. I tried the other attack modes, and they were good for slow attacks, but I found it hard to get quick attacks off with them. I think I'll stick to classic mode, here.
In case anyone feels like doing some reanimating, it would be nice to have the one-handed and/or two-handed thrust animation changed a bit. It doesn't look at all like a thrust, so is very hard to defend against. It looks like the person is pulling back to make a sideways slash. They really should be tucking their elbow in while pulling back, twisting their torso a bit more. For the one-handed animation, it really should look as if they are pulling their weapon back while keeping it concealed behind their shield.
Okay, we'll see if any of these ideas get a noticed, but good job on all the updates, so far. With this new blocking system, it's like having a whole new game to play!
=$= Big J Money =$=