O.M.G! Physics are in the game!!!

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(:) Dvd (:)

Oh my god! Physics, yes physics, are in Mount & Blade. Right now. Physics are here.

Destroy a foot-man's shield and watch it. It rolls around! I have looked at about 50 shields, each one rolls differently. Watch them roll off of cliffs, hit the bottom, and bounce slightly. Watch them hit trees and stop.

It is amazing, a small yet amazing step! Physics!

We have physics in Mount & Blade! THE SHIELDS HAVE PHYSICS! Armagan, did you know that your shields have physics? Now, they aren't the best physics but they are still physics.

Now all we need is ragdoll horses, bodies, and rocks. Flamable trees, fire arrows, flamable shields, fire, flame, and lots of gore & blood.

But, OH MY GOD, shields have physics!

Hasn't anyone noticed this before...? Am I crazy? Is this a well-known fact?

Wait till you get sprayed by an exploding head at extremely close range. That's a sight where you can't see. :mrgreen:
They have been there for eons! Now crawl back to the little hole of yours. We are a noob friendly community, but one thing we do not tolerate are noobs that post!

Just joking, you're not a noob, but you still have to crawl back to that hole of yours. :lol:
Armagan did address the shield physics a while back. If i remember correctly, he said it was a little script he wrote a while back in his spare time for fun. But i'd be surprised if any additions to the physics were made.
ive noteced that since .632 its been here for ages!

and fire arrows wernt that common back in those ages they only used them for sieges so when armegan implements the forts and sieges thing (if he does) we can use fire.

but for the physics things it it will soon be used for the other things so be patient!

Killer rat
What happens when the shields that aren't round come off? Do they also move and fall realistically? I don't think I've ever damaged one enough to see.
Tharg said:
What happens when the shields that aren't round come off? Do they also move and fall realistically? I don't think I've ever damaged one enough to see.

...Huh. Good question. I guess so, but I have never seen one get destroyed. I am usually to busy shooting off the knight to watch his shield MAYBE roll down a hill.

Tharg said:
What happens when the shields that aren't round come off? Do they also move and fall realistically? I don't think I've ever damaged one enough to see.

They don't roll because...well...they can't ok!! They just wooble a little and lay still for the rest of the battle. Sometimes they slide slowly if there is a good enough slope.
But I'm sure they'd roll if they could...they just can't...beacuse...they're not round. :sad:

Man it's late I gotta get some sleep.
This thread made me deliberately break a bandit's round shield to see what the hoohah is about...

Oh man it's so cute. Shield flies off his arm, bounces and rolls around slowly on the ground, sliding to a stop at the bottom of the slope.

While I am mesmerised by the rolling shield, some other bandit comes up behind me and cuts me to pieces... :lol:
aaa are there fire arows in the game ?
cuz i dindn't saw any !!!
and will the "Creator"(he's a god i can't pronounce his name :grin: ) of M&B introduce sieges?!!!
Frost_Knight said:
aaa are there fire arows in the game ?

Not yet. But Armagan never stops surprising us. So you never know, maybe today maybe tomorrow, when you least expect it he comes up with a new upgrade and new goodies to the game. Just be patient and enjoy the game. :wink:
Why do you need sieges? Historically a siege is boring and sick and gruesome. You would need ladders and battering rams or siege engines. I think it is more fun the way it is. Aren't there some strategy computer games that already do the "laying siege" routine?
Sir Saladin said:
Why do you need sieges? Historically a siege is boring and sick and gruesome*. You would need ladders and battering rams or siege engines. I think it is more fun the way it is. Aren't there some strategy computer games that already do the "laying siege" routine?
How can a game be more boring with more optional content?

*oh, and how would you call normal battles then, kindergarden hour?
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