Number of simple triggers.....

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I get this weird RGL error whenever I try and load my savegame that says 'number of simple triggers in file 196, exceedds 110' how do I fix this?
Have you changed anything since then, like updated Diplomacy, perhaps?  The difference in the number of simple_triggers is pretty big- something must have been changed between your save and now.
Nope...I've tried reinstalling diplomacy and even Mount and Blade warband..but the saves still refuse to load..I have 170 days on them so I'm reluctant to just start over. Sometimes the number or simple triggers difference varies, but it is still always that crash....
Well, eh... about the only way you could fix it, then would be really difficult (copy-pasting the last lines of triggers.txt until it matched).

110 is what Native expects.  196 is really ridiculously high, frankly.  I'd be surprised if Diplomacy added anything like that many, so I'm guessing that something must be corrupted in your savegame.
It seems that way...I made a new game and it works fine. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I really don't want to loose all that hard work.
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