Numantia - Scene in progress

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wow - looks like a hell of a defensive position to hold.......I wanna own it! - mine!  :cool:

some heavy infantry to hold them off and a good deal of archers - bloodbath while they struggle to get up there - love the "shack" look near the fields - for the farmhands etc
Are there going to be any issues of idiot AI's trying to walk straight up those cliffs rather than take the road around while assaulting?
we4kf00l said:
Would it be possible to make more units use the siege tower ? Or is it just unbalanced in this shot?

It looks bloody good btw!

they mostly use the ladder, but it seems in each siege I tested, they swap over to use the tower too when the ladder gets filled up.

You could always have some of your troops follow you to the center between them, and they'll choose on closest then.
Do they still have to push the tower to the wall? I mean, they'll rush towards the ladder first so the tower won't be moving. Do troops go back and pick it up if the ladder's too full? :O
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