NPC Generals?

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I think it'd be nice to see some NPC leader units that somewhat parallel the player character. Each little army or unit would have a leader NPC. He could be a character like Borcha or Marnid, only I think he should be able to be killed. Just set up a random character/name generator. If you rescued them while they were held prisoner, they could be recruited. You could look at their stats, trade/barter with them, everything that Borcha/marnid can do, only they have a chance of dying in combat.
It'd add a little more flavor to the game. It could even set up some rivalries if you are always getting knocked out by "Alaric's Swadian Patrol".

Also this way, everyone who played could end up with a unique party from anyone else. It'd be alot more interesting than showing "this is what I have borcha equipped with" or "these are the skills I upgraded Marnid with."

Anyone else like the idea?
I don't bother getting Marnid, he's a waste of space with his 2 trade skill :smile:

I need these spaces to train my soldiers from peasent to the top:
1- peasant
2- footman
3- veteran
4- infantry
5- guard

6- borcha

and then it's full with 4 leadership skill. And I'm not going to walk around with 10 upgradeable infantry to have a guy like Marnid in my team. I'm also not going to waste 3 levels to get leadership 5 to get marnid in my team, no wait, that's 6 levels to get leadership 6, to get the extra stack for marnid, definately not worth it if you ask me.

Maybe leadership should add 1 stack per level, but have a maximum number of stacks (but still add 5 people at high levels).

I like your idea, but I also like it to be able to give borcha all kinds of great stuff without him losing any of it :smile: Seeing him rush on this horse (alone) to the front and either slaying a few enemies or getting slain fast himself. It's just a waste of space actually to get borcha, if he hadn't such greatly usefull skills (5 tracking from the start this game :smile:).
Well, if recruited, these generals could possible have very useful skills. Suppose you found someone with something like 6 surgery? or 5 tactics? Of course, not all of these guys would be great, but you would be able to search out and recruit the best ones.

Another thing is I'd like to be able to recruit some armies. For example I see a small group of peasants(20-ish) wandering around alot, and I would like to recruit them into my group to take on a large army, but all I can ever really do is say "hi". Maybe if it was added that a large leadership skill+high reputation and charisma would allow someone to recruit armies from off the map?
I've got three parties of (23) refugees wandering around near Zenobia. Mountain bandits and Sea raiders run from 'em :shock:
best part if the generals could let you party size increase like they get 3 slots of there own so they stay with them and you command the general.
I absolutely agree with this idea. I want NPC leaders to

a) not take up stack space
b) give me MORE stack space if they have leadership
c) come from my own ranks when a unit distinguishes themselves in battle
d) possible come from capturing enemy leaders or rescuing prisoners
e) can die

-this- would be fun.
I'd not call these NPC's generals...more like captains that command their own squads..

What when they die tho? what will happen with the units under their command?

Know what'd be neat? If there always was one captain for each unit group. You initially appoint one and that captain gets just slightly higher stats than his men...extra point in leadership or he progresses, his stats improve...if he dies, someone else takes his place, but stats are reset...

Could even have different ranks even for these captains...captain > commander > somethingelsethatfits... etc...

Key thing remains tho...they should be just as mortal as anyone else...
Yeah, seems like everyone likes this idea, including myself. I'd like to see dozens of these generals found in random places for hire. As previously suggested, maybe they could take a specific role under your command. Like being your tactician or surgeon and therefore boosting your own skills. Each role could have its own character slot so as not to interfere with the party slots.
I like the idea. I actually came here now to make a topic about this :grin:
I've been killing all kind of parties now and it would have been nice, if every group from river pirates to black knights had a leader. It doesn't really have to be an named NPC. Just another sea pirate with much more stats and better armours and weapons. That would make the battles more enjoyable (I'm not saying that they are not enjoyable now :grin: ).
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