NPC Equipment

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Hello there!

I just stumbled upon M&B, tried it out and had a BLAST! I got obliterated pretty quick, but since character generation is so fun, I don't mind that :smile:

So... how do I equip NPC's? I'm sick of Marrid running around with nothing more than a stupid club when I have enough loot cluttering up my inventory?
Go to the party screen, click on him then press talk. It doesn't work in towns, for some reason.
Hi :grin:

Press 'P' to go to the party screen when in the world map, click on Marnid, and select 'talk'. Then select the first option, which is something like 'I have a few items I no longer need, would you care to barter?'. You then go into an inventory screen in which you can give him items, and he'll always equip the most expensive items you give him.

However, Marnid and Borcha take a long, long time to train to make them competend enough to be more useful on the battlefield than any normal grunt. Unless you have the patience, I would pump up their party skills (first aid, surgery, spotting, etc.) and leave them for cannon fodder on the field.
You can tell them to tell about themselves to see their skills and later on to increase them, should they gain levels.

I too like to give them non-combat skills. Borcha already comes with alot of skills like pathfinding, tracking and all..
My trick is to take Leadership with my character. Turn the battle slider down, order everyone to hold position and go off and kill everyone yourself.
You get loads of XP for killing people. I suspect that the shared XP after a battle also adds to everyones total, plus the XP from leadership. Giving Marnid and Borcha leadership means you can upgrade a peasant about two or three ranks without fighting.
Also, the mean way to equip them is to give the equipment after wages are paid out. I notice they have no gold when they first join, but collect their wages at the end of the day. Give them something which they cannot afford and ask them to pay as much as they can - free slave labour!
Now, if only we could implement some kind of performance related pay system ...
That's a lot of sleeping in inns. Better to make your two fellow clowns do the training, tactics, and surgery and devote your points to combat.
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