Now is not a good time, Sweetheart.

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Curious about my character's wife. Her relation to my character is -1 and so I thought I'd try and bring that up into the positive. In my settlement I have asked her numerous times if she was interested in playing a game of puluc and her reply every time is "Now is not a good time, Burged." Yeah character's name is Burged. Anyone else run into this? Workaround?
Make her into a party, find her, barter, give her money or equipment for free. That should increase relation. Makes no goddamn sense, though.
She can't leave the Clan and you can't make her do anything anyways, so why does it matter :razz:
But the lack of being able to play games or even do quests for lord with -relations is something TW needs to change for sure.
IMO there should be special, unpleasant or expensive quests for lords and notables you have bad relations with.
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