Novum Mundus - Alpha Test Over - [PW Submod / Spinoff]

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Grandmaster Knight
Novum Mundus (The New World) has finally reached alpha testing which will commence tomorrow; sign up for the alpha here

The testing will start from 4 O'clock tomorrow BST (GMT +1 / London).

You will require Napoleonic Wars to play this PW sub mod!
food and testing and development together have become a holy trinity with me over the past few days.
Good to see you people are still active. I wish you the best of luck with your new project.

Yet I strongly advise you to change the name of your sub mod. "Novum mundus" is grammatically incorrect the way you want to use it. It literally translates to "novelty world". (Note: This is not to understand as the single term novelty-world. The nouns do not correlate.) The correct Latin translation of "new world" is "mundus novus" (cf. Amerigo Vespucci's eponymic travelogue.)
In Latin "novelty world" would probably translate to "mundus novitatis". The aforementioned "novum mundus" is no actual term. Thus I have pointed out that novelty and world have to be understood separately. A more literal translation might be "the new the world". The expression does not bear any reasonable meaning.
Hospes fori said:
Good to see you people are still active. I wish you the best of luck with your new project.

Yet I strongly advise you to change the name of your sub mod. "Novum mundus" is grammatically incorrect the way you want to use it. It literally translates to "novelty world". (Note: This is not to understand as the single term novelty-world. The nouns do not correlate.) The correct Latin translation of "new world" is "mundus novus" (cf. Amerigo Vespucci's eponymic travelogue.)

Novus mundus would be as correct as mondus novus and allow us to keep the PWNM module name et cetera.

In any case, it's nice to see other people still educated in Latin. Doing latin myself I should've got off my arse and thought about it, but I just decided to roll with Novum Mundi (the original title given), without thinking about it all too much, and Novum Mundus being an initial correction.
This is actually kind of ironic since "novum mundi" in turn is grammatically correct, although it still does not mean "new world". Latin can be quite a fascinating language, but admittedly also difficult at times.
You are right that "novus mundus" is also correct. Due to the agreement of the constituents, sentence structure is pretty much unrestricted in Latin. Yet usually adjectives as well as genitives are placed behind their antecedent, which is why I have suggested the term "mundus novus". What does actually militate against the acronym PWMN? Since M is basically only an inverted W and vice versa, it might provide an optical advantage to have them both in the middle of the word. However, the decision is of course totally up to you after all.
A certain amount of effort would be involved in changing the order of the words, loading screens, module name, et cetera. Easier to roll with novus mundus, though PWMN does admittedly have a chiastic appeal.
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