Noticing a few things about v.71

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Not seeing a thread for this, I figured I'd start one.

First off.... nice change on the prisoner price, definitely showing better value.

I noticed the sword vendor bug was fixed, the weather seemed stronger (but that could just be my quick impression).

SADLY, all my old characters can not be played now... "incompatible file version" Very sad.

Make sure to upgrade from 0.701 to 0.702. There is a simple thread here that shows the easiest way to go about it.

There are a few fixes in 0.702, but one of the most obvious is stability. Several people have been having issues with it and it seems to be corrected after updating to 0.702.

Your 0.701 characters will appear to be compatable with 0.702, but many people have run into serious errors ... so it is probably best to delete the old characters and start fresh.

You can get a new character to the same levels, wealth, and equipment very easily by using the in-game cheats. You can find a list of them here.

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