Not sure if a bug: 1/4 Damage to player display bug.

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Hi, after seeing a bloody screenshot on the forums I decided to go get myself hurt, in M&B of course, so I created a new squire, selected the 1/4 Damage to Player and engaged a 7 sea raider party.

Then I allowed myself to get shot for the fun of it and used ctrl+x to remain alive, but I noticed I wasn't getting the throwing weapons stuck on my body, nor was I getting bloody, so after testing some stuff, I realized the only change in options I made was to select 1/4 Damage to player, so I switched it to 1/2 damage to player and javelins and throwing axes started getting stuck on my body and the texture got bloody, but arrows were not, they were disappearing as they hit me, so I switched back to Nomal (damage to player) and ta-taa! Arrows were now getting stuck on me.

So, I'm not sure if this is a "bug" or a coded thing to reduce damage, just letting you know.

And for your curiosity, here is a screen-shot after I found out what the problem was and set damage back to Normal:

hehe nice pic the red mist truly descended :grin:
Maybe its because you where changing it during the battle as opposed to changing it then restarting the battle
Can anybody else test this?

Does nobody ever played on 1/4 or 1/2 damage to player setting and noticed javelins were not getting stuck on your character, nor were you getting blood textures?

I just wonder if it's really a "bug" or the way the game mechanics work to reduce damage to player.

However, anyone who plays on 1/4 or 1/2 damage to player is missing out alot of fun, like in the screen-shot I posted (though I had to cheat to survive all those strikes).

At quarter damage, no weapons seem to stick in the player (shield & mount affected as normal)

At half damage, Javelins and axes work as normal, though crossbow bolts and arrows don't (possibly I just couldn't see it)

At normal damage, everything works as normal.

The fact that crossbows and arrows don't work at 1/2 while axes and javelins do suggests that it could be damage related. Perhaps there's a damage threshold the weapon has to cause before it will be stuck in the character?

Blood textures worked as normal under all settings (this is definitely damage related)
Blood textures seem a little iffy as far as ranged weapons are concerned.

Sometimes you get them, other times you don't. The exact level seems to depend on the damage dealt on a single blow, so it may just be that the blood texture isn't dark enough to be visible at that point. Its easiest to spot on a white horse, usually an arrow wound creates a small patch of blood at the hit location, which would be difficult to make out on a darker background.
I just wonder if it would be a graphic problem at 1/4 damages as the character would be awful full of stuff. Just look at that "normal" damage, now times that by three!
It definitely seems to be damage related.

If you hit for less than 10 or so points, no matter the difficulty, the weapon doesn't stick. Perhaps its to stop people running around with rocks stuck in their heads?
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