North Korea bombs south

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This could be fun to follow if there wasn't a danger that China backed up NK and US backed up SK and the events didn't culminate into a nuclear apocalypse.
Korean War, round two. Maybe this time China will stay out of it and we can have a unified, happy Korea, where the northern half isn't starving and the southern half isn't living in fear of nuclear attack every day.

Don Doggy said:
Korean relations are warming up.

How punny of you, sirrah.
Sushiman said:
Nuclear Apoc. is underrated. It'd be jsut like Fallout, but with Hardcore mode switched on.

It could be interesting, but radiation is too much a *****.
I don`t think they will start a war now,

There have been much worse military incidents between the two countries.

The NK knows that if they attacks seriously the SK they will likely loose because they have no international support, while the SK and USA know that war against NK would be very costly in lives, materials and money. None is willing to take the risks.
Kick whose ass? China? Haha no.

Anyway, I don't think China would support NK here. Bad for business y'see. :razz:
# ALERT: North Korea prepares artillery capable of firing toward Seoul, South Korea - MBC 3

# ALERT: South Korean F16 fighter jets are awaiting more orders from military officials following artillery attack by North Korea - MBC

# ALERT: South Korea's military on standby alert for possible wartime measures, citizens urged to prepare for evacuations - MBC less
">The North Korean attack also had a global impact on the financial markets strengthening the US dollar against several Asian currencies while at the same time spurring declines in the Asian stock markets.[7] The effects the shelling had in the financial industry led the South Korean central bank to hold an emergency meeting to assess the impact of the fighting on the markets.[8]"

Goddamnit, it's the Jews again.

"2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons."

"2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans."

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