Nord Troop Tree (Looking for some feedback)

The nord ranged tree(s) (axethrowers/archers)

  • Need Expansion (2 more high tier archers)

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Need Expansion (specify why)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Need Downsizing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Need to be combined

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F*** Archers, Give me some more footmen

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • I want ______ instead of _______ (you have gotta leave a post for this one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Is perfect....

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I am planning on making a mod that will change the troop trees into something that will require effort to get elite troops and also attempt to diversify the different factions. I will be using cremos beautiful (i have permission) troops and throwing weapon values for a start...

Please tell me what you think in a post or two. This is my first draft and I would like to see a community response before i start modding. If you have any questions on the nord troops let me know by PM or post.

nord recruit->nord footman->nord trained footman->nord regular->nord warrior->nord veteren->nord elite->nord huscral
                                        ->nord fanatic->crazed nord fanatic->nord breserker                                      ->nord shieldbearer
                  ->nord huntsman->nord archer->nord veteren archer->nord elite archer
                                          ->nord axe thrower->nord veteren axe thrower->nord elite axe thrower->nord axe master

Footman line->only ground troops, axes and shields are primary weapons, armor will increase in make per advance.
Shieldbearer-> elite defensive troops (very elite, hard to level), small one handed axes w/ a board shield and huscral shield
Fanatic line->low armor,shield or 2 handed weapons, high athletics, shock troops
Axethrower line-> inaccurate really powerful[/glow] throwing weapons(40-80 damage)

Again, please leave me any comments and if i have a good response I will post all my other troop trees on a new thread.

Take the poll too...
I intend to clone some models and create a few new items (through stat manipulation and name manipulation), but I am a bad texturer (to say the least), so I will probably keep with stuff in Mount and Blade and the modders resources I can find. I would love a texturer/modeler to help me....
Also to address Tiberius's point on ranged unit, each ranged unit will be able to hold its own as infantry, but will be primarily a skirmisher.

And if you wanna see an emphisas on ranged units wait until you see the vaegir one, but I wont post that till I have coded it and got screen shots in.
lukaszirn said:
I intend to clone some models and create a few new items (through stat manipulation and name manipulation), but I am a bad texturer (to say the least), so I will probably keep with stuff in Mount and Blade and the modders resources I can find. I would love a texturer/modeler to help me....

Well never forget to read my sig.

but others will tell you that i've got alot on at the moment so it really would be better to ask me in a fortnight or so.
You have 20 troop types in the Nord line without counting your gear swaps.  Gear swaps are only really feasible with different troop types unless there's some hackery that I'm unaware of.  If you grab a handful of companions, you're awfully close to the 32 stack limit which makes for some very annoying juggling.  Native has pretty consistently 10 or less per faction.

Other things I'll note:
- 60-100 damage is way more than most units have (I think it's higher than any unit in Native).
- Whenever you have two troop types that fill the same role (archers, axe throwers), make sure that your implementation makes their differences clear.
- Having troops of different levels with the same name in the same faction is going to be very confusing.

lukaszirn said:
nord elite(4)->nord huscral(3)
nord shieldbearer(6)

Shieldbearer-> elite defensive troops (very elite, hard to level), small one handed axes w/ a board shield and huscral shield
Well, let me first say that this looks like it has potential. Keep going my good man.

How come the huscarl is a tier 3 unit and the elite is lvl 4? :razz:
You would be needing a tier 5 to even get a lvl 6 shieldbearer :razz:
I'm not so sure about the bord shield on the shieldbearer either. Maybe two huscarl shields, one handed axe (The most powerful one) and a bag of axes. And remember to overpower the huscarl :mrgreen:
Ok, I might be cutting out the ranks of each troop as that would catapult the nord troop tree (2nd biggest) out of one group as it would be aabout 40 troops for the 34 slots

Also, My intentions are for the player to have to "commit" to a faction and try to have an army mainly from the faction because the nord warriors who are honor bound to be kicking swadian ass aren't gonna be fighting with swadians.
lukaszirn said:
Ok, I might be cutting out the ranks of each troop as that would catapult the nord troop tree (2nd biggest) out of one group as it would be aabout 40 troops for the 34 slots

Also, My intentions are for the player to have to "commit" to a faction and try to have an army mainly from the faction because the nord warriors who are honor bound to be kicking swadian ass aren't gonna be fighting with swadians.
It's 32 slots, one of which is taken up by the player. 

If you want players to commit to a faction, address these points (even if you decide "as intended", think it through):
- Make recruits always come from the player's chosen faction OR turn off the ability to recruit outside your faction
- Give some other way to raise troops quickly
- Turn off the ability to recruit prisoners (both after battles and from your own party)
- Make sure there aren't any really glaring holes (a faction without shields or a faction without ranged weapons)

The rate that the player can expand is directly proportional to how quickly they can raise troops.  If I'm down busting up Narra, I don't have time to go all the way back to, I dunno, Sargoth to start trying to raise a new army.  This becomes doubly (triply?) bad if the player is trying to hold that land. 
I understand that problem, that is why I used "commit", the 20 troops (22 if I include 2 more archers at last update) are going to attempt to form your main force.  I have no doubt that mercenaries and other troops will become a temporary solution in those attempts to hold ground/attack far from nord lands....

Also, I am using this as mainly a modders resource as I slowly, but ever so surely learn to code(which i fail at hardcore right now). If it is a modders resource, I dont want to attach anything along with it.

In my mod that I hope to make someday, I will no doubt use your solutions, so I can force players to really commit to a faction. But first off, I need to make it, then play test it.
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