noob seeks modders!

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Ive only been playin M&B for a month, and playing the mods for the majority of that time. while playing The Hundred Years War MOD and The Last Days MOD i felt the need/urge to make my own MOD but the thing is I dont know much about modding.

I can use the map ed, and im getting the jist of the unnofficial M&B ed but while im testing my map or my MOD i get errors. at the moment im getting a message saying "get object failed for:comic sans" comic sans is a font if my memory serves me right. what do i need to do to geet past this or how can i add this font into the game.

i realy want to make this MOD! so im gonna need all the help i can get

i dont have any moddeling or texturing skills at all nor scripting but i have an idea for a mod that i think will be a realy enjoyable!

its The Path to Glory (a warhammer fantasy mod) based on chaos warbands roaming the chaos wastes seeking the favour of their gods...

i want to setup a Dev Team to make this so anyone who is willing to lend their skills to the PTG Team is most welcome
As the coming Chaos incursion grows nearer, more and more warriors have begun battling against each other in an attempt to gain the attention of their gods. This is not only taking place in the far Northern Wastes, but even in the midst of the lands of Men, Elves and Dwarfs. A good mod idea but not a easy one. You should spread this idea in some big warhammer forums because I think many would be interested in this idea and maybe wanting to help making it too.
i'll make some models if u wants, but i havent used map editor, or had any modding experience, so count me out of that part.

i was interested in warhammer ( many long years ago, yarrr), ESPECIALLY path to glory, and i think it would make a great mod for M&B
Some models would be great Harlequin!

i have someone drawing up pictures of what it might look like in game, i dunno how vital that will be (if we require it at all), but i will post them anyway.

could you please send me a sample of your work?

im also planning on opening a web site for this game too :lol:

at first the game will only include the five chaos "religions"

-undivided, Khorne, Slannesh, tzeentch,Nurgle

all with their own unique units items and armour.

i guess i would have to implement magic into the game somehow seeeing as its a great part of Tzeentch's fighting style.

i would also like to add the gifts of the chos gods too...

ok i emailed some work.not from this mod of course( as i havent started yet).

pictures would be great. its a long time since path to glory took over my life so i dont remember everything.

remember that only static models can be edited, so no animations can be changed and no.....unnaturaly large people can be made.

if u make the site, send us a link plz :grin:

as for magic...i'm not against it, if it is done well, but w/out animations it would have to be the kind of magic inb the fellowship of the ring film ; invisible, or very subtle.

soon as i get a pic ill start on weaps then...
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