noob question - why do my armor not show up ingame

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I have tried added a new armor into the game, but i have a liiiittle problem: when i get in game the guys who are supposed to wear this armor dont have a body, it is just arms,legs and a head running around

my armor is added under items without bugs and have a item ID and so on...
and yes, it has a texture have been added via the BRF editor

heres the item code:          i have no idea about what that is for so just added the item name
["english_linen_shirt", "English Linen Shirt", [("english_linen_shirt",0)], itp_type_body_armor|itp_covers_legs|itp_civilian,0, 348 , weight(4)|abundance(100)|head_armor(0)|body_armor(14)|leg_armor(10)|difficulty(0) ,imodbits_cloth ],
James said:
Is this a retexture, or an actual new model?

i dunno what you would call it

i copied a "linen_tunic" and gave it a new name and texture
So yes, a retexture.

Understandable. It's still all I'm able to do, armour-wise.
It should, presuming you did everything right. It seems if you do as Leoric said, you should be fine.

To make sure you understand, you need to replace that third instance of english_linen_shirt with the name of the mesh, being the actual name you put into BRFedit (assuming you did). If you need more help, feel free to PM me.
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