Noob Question About Equipping Armies...

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Knight at Arms
Alright, I know I'm a newb n00bster, but I've been searching and lurking (that sounded cool) for a few days now, and I still can't find the answer to my question: how do I equip my heroes/army?

Thanks in advance for any and all replies. :wink:
open party window on map
talk to hero
"I have a few items that I longer need. Would you care to barter?"

As a side note. The hero will use the most expensive equipment he has the stats for so its not a bad idea to take away he's old stuff when you give him better ones
And remember the weapon limitations! Don't give Borcha or Marnid a weapon that they cant't use (because of too low strength for ex.) as they won't move in combat at all.
And thank you. :wink:

Btw--Is there any way to get Borcha (he's my only one right now) more money? I hate giving my stuff away for _such_ a cheap price. I mean, a little cutting off is okay (especially as he pays more than the merchants/smiths do), but seeing as how he starts off with 20 denars, it's pretty hard to "jump start his economy."
RJii said:
And remember the weapon limitations! Don't give Borcha or Marnid a weapon that they cant't use (because of too low strength for ex.) as they won't move in combat at all.

I just learned that :wink: Marnid stood there while a dark hunter rode by and cut off his head :roll:
Keemo said:
Marnid stood there while a dark hunter rode by and cut off his head :roll:

Really cut off his head? So he's there, headless, the head tumbling down a hill, and you read "Marnid is knocked unconscious." :shock: :lol:
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