Noob needs help with dialogs

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I've got a big problem and couldn't fix it although i was reading hundreds of tutorials and threads about it.

I've made a new scene (a camp) where some vikings are standing around, 1 armorer, 1 weaponsmith and 1 leader.

The two smithes talk what they should and sell me the wares i want, but
the leader doesn't say what I've added to the conversations-menu
(unofficial M&B editor) for him.
He always says "Well... {playername} ...."
" Do you want to join the vaegir cause.." or something like that.
Then the player answers something like "I will think about it."
then the conversation ends.

I hope someone can understand this bad english an perhaps help me out
of this misery. :sad: [/b]
Please post your code when you need debugging help, see how quickly we solved Maw's problem when he described it very thoroughly:
I didn't use these python scripts, only used the unofficial editor, so a can
just post the code of the conversations.txt.


dlg_0 101 0 0 Dies_ist_ein_Test,_und_weil_du_so_nett_bist,_schenke_ich_dir_10_Gold_! 393 1 10070 134217731 10 0
dlg_0 65536 393 0 Schankedoen_! 6 0

This is the dialog which doesn't work. I don't think this will help much, but
i don't know if I can make a of the files i have.
Hmm did you put the conservation you made far into the top of the file?

If not it may be overriden from some other conservations which are set to Anyone.

So try to put them into the top of the file and see if it works.
Hmm must say I wish there was a way to extract python files from the base stuff cus they are in my opinion much better for seeing what needs debugged...I feel a rift opening between the python users and the unofficial editor users *sniff* :cry:

Oh well *gets over it*
Lu Bu said:
There is already a rift between python users and unoffical editor users.

Technically, there's no rift between the users, there's a rift between the mods, since once you start using the unofficial editor on a mod, you can't go back to the official editor. But nothing prevents a modder from being proficient in both tools.

This could be solved if Effidian added the feature to export to python scripts instead of directly to txt.
Ok you brought it to the point. :wink:

And yes i think being able to export to python, would be a very good improvement. I think that you should choose if you want txt/pyhton of course.
Did you assign the troop in the unofficial editor? I had almost exactly the same bug and couldn't find the problem. Then I noticed that I had forgotten to assign the speaker from "anyone" to "troop". You also need to specify which troop.
Nerdmonkey said:
Did you assign the troop in the unofficial editor? I had almost exactly the same bug and couldn't find the problem. Then I noticed that I had forgotten to assign the speaker from "anyone" to "troop". You also need to specify which troop.

I think he added other conservations already, so i think he would have noticed.
But lets see what he reports back.
fisheye said:
This could be solved if Effidian added the feature to export to python scripts instead of directly to txt.

I had thought about doing this, and then decided against it because I wasn't sure there was a good reason to. I'll put it back on my list.

As for the original problem, I'm thinking the lines are probably after the anyone lines...
Effidian said:
fisheye said:
This could be solved if Effidian added the feature to export to python scripts instead of directly to txt.

I had thought about doing this, and then decided against it because I wasn't sure there was a good reason to. I'll put it back on my list.

As for the original problem, I'm thinking the lines are probably after the anyone lines...

i would heavily support this :smile:
I third the motion. A good UI like the unofficial editor has which could in essence work on the python files (well, not directly edit them, though that would be even better)... wow, that would be cool and very useful. It also might be handy for updating mods which were created with the unofficial editor when new versions of M&B.
Thank you!
I just had to move it on top of the conversations.txt , didn't know that
there has to be some "hierarchy" in the conversations too.

First I had the same problem with the merchants too....

Now I try to sort first, then ask in the forum :wink:

But there are still 2 questions (don't know if i should open a new thread
for them):

1. When I enter my selfmade scene (a Camp) I'm not on horseback.
How can a do so that I am on horseback when I enter the scene ?

2. Is it possible to somehow "change" something so that you can take
2 weapons instead of 1 weapon & 1 shield ?
In answer to #1, easiest way is to change the set_jump_mission referenced from "mt_town_default" to "mt_visit_town_horseback".

For #2, do you mean dual wielding? If so, you might be able to make a weapon model that acts as a shield, but you couldn't attack with it and it would work like a shield for that matter. It would basically be cosmetic. Well, other than it blocking arrows, which would look decidedly odd. :wink:
Janus said:
I third the motion. A good UI like the unofficial editor has which could in essence work on the python files (well, not directly edit them, though that would be even better)... wow, that would be cool and very useful. It also might be handy for updating mods which were created with the unofficial editor when new versions of M&B.

I'm not going to parse the python files. I had thought about that for all of about 10 seconds... :smile:

Exporting to python, not too difficult though. (More time consuming than anything.)
Igor Dracu said:
I just had to move it on top of the conversations.txt , didn't know that there has to be some "hierarchy" in the conversations too.

There is a little bit of order in conversations.txt. The "anyone" dialogs need to come after any specific dialogs. Also order is important for character responses when you want the character to say different things based on the condition. The first line where the condition passes will be the one "spoken".
Effidian said:
I'm not going to parse the python files. I had thought about that for all of about 10 seconds... :smile:
Exporting to python, not too difficult though. (More time consuming than anything.)
Yeah, that's why I said "in essence" work on the python files. Meaning you could export the python to text, edit in the unofficial editor, then export back to python. Sounds good. I guess a few things would be lost (references to troops etc. would be switched from the reference name to the troop number in assign statements), but still useful for sure.
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