Noob help - Multiplayer Mods and noob class

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Hi There,

I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of MB Warband, and I was hoping to get a bit of advice on the must have mods for multiplayer and also any particular texture/UI mods that are around that I should install.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated - I can trawl the net for hours but as my gaming time is limited I was hoping to get a pointer in the right direction.

PS - What is the best class to begin with in multiplayer?


Danlobster (eager noob). 
There is already lots of topics like these but I'm just too lazy to post the links. I guess someone will do it soon anyway.

But yeah, welcome

For mods, I think it's a good idea to mess around with Native first just to get touch and then look for mod you like. Check The Caravanserai for mods

Starting MP career... There are a few schools for that but I think when you have learned manual blocking you are ready to whatever role (and you are better than most players :smile:) Just play and you will find out what you like the most.
Playing as a ranged class is probably the easiest to pick up because it's not so vastly different from other shooting games. But that doesn't mean it's the best class to start with. Because you'll be avoiding melee combat, you won't learn it quickly either. The few times you do melee, you'll probably die in a matter of seconds if you don't have a shield. Teamwork is also extremely important for archers.

I'd say infantry is the best class to start the game with, though not necessarily the easiest. You have a lot of staying power, and while combat will be hard in the beginning, you're constantly in the middle of it, getting better every time. Start by buying the best shield and a proper onehanded weapon. Stick with teammates as much as possible and help. When fighting, play 'safe' with a simple attack-block rhythm, allowing you to get a feel for basic combat techniques. Once you're confident that you can survive with a shield and counterattack reliably, visit a duel server and learn to fight without a shield. Quite difficult in the beginning, but stick with it and you'll improve. Apart from learning how to block without a shield, you'll get a better feeling of timing your attacks, feinting, weapon reach, etc. Once you're reasonable at that, you've mastered what's at the core of the game: melee combat. No matter what class you play, you'll always have to melee at some point, so it's pretty much required for any class if you wish to be successful.

Then, you can switch to any other class and learn whatever is required to be good at it, because you can defend yourself reasonably at any time.
There are no real uber UI mods or anything. If you want mods that change the actual gameplay theres: Hunt, Invasion, Musket Mod and cRPG (a few others, but these are the only ones I've seen up and running). But none of them are particularly noob friendly so just stick with native for the first week or so.
Thanks everyone for replies, especially thenarrator.  That sounds like great advice and will give some kind of structure to my learning curve.    See you on the field. 

Welcome to warband :razz:

There is one mod that I wouldn't play without, and it's More Metal Sounds, here's a link:,51681.0.html. You can still use it and play on native warband servers. It enhances the effect sounds of the game by a huge deal. Just remember to read the readme.txt or the opening post, for how to install it correctly.

If I were you I'd also check out some of the helpful threads stickied on this forum, teaching you about the gameplay mechanics and how not to get too frustrated when playing multiplayer.
My best starting advice for a game has always been to discover first what is fun to you. I know that will change over time, but everything has to start with having fun! This is our free time and most of us find things that make us happy. I was surprised to be hooked on warband longer than 2 weeks (almost a year now!) as most games I pick up and drop pretty quickly now a days.

Once I found I was still having fun in the game and loved to click on that desktop icon for a few minutes of fun everyday, I made the choice to start learning to be a better player. I think if you try too hard to be good right off the bat, some of the things you have to do might be pretty boring and repetitive, and sometimes you might just burn yourself out with the effort or having poor results.

So I guess my point is, just get in and have fun playing whatever class with whatever weapon in whatever mod/game mode you find you like, and if hooked enough, start looking into improving yourself in the area you want to play at.

Anyway, my advice as always is go out there and have fun, the skill will follow after that, then more skill comes with generally boring effort :smile:
So it arrived!  I spent most of last night running around ruins in deathmatch.  Soooooo much fun.  Learning curve is satisfyingly difficult, makes getting kills more meaningful.  I was a bit apprehensive about all the negatives I'd heard about the UI and graphics - it looks great from where i'm sitting and plays real smooth. 

So far I really enjoy running round on foot feeding off chargers, and poking people in the guts with the pike.  Awesome.    :shock:
Definitely start by playing as an infantry. You don't want to be like me, who is completely useless when it comes to anything that doesn't involve crossbows...
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