
This game is seriously coolio. Most of the quirks have been mentioned.
Historical instead of fictional setting: I haven't seen a suggestion for a gameworld based, however loosely, on a historical setting. e.g. feudal England or Byzantium etc. I think that might give the game a bit more flavour and something of a context. Stories could be woven around real historical incidents (or even fake historical elements such as Robin Hode).
Jousting tournament: I imagine someone has suggested putting in an additional tournament for jousting (maybe available to the gentry only); so I'll just assume they have and second the motion.
Army service: On first joining the army, it would be cool if you joined on short contracts of 10 days or so, during which time you are assigned to one of the wandering bands of soldiers and deprived of the ability to determine where you go on the world map. You go where they go and fight where they fight. You have the option to leave, but if you do so before the 'contract' is up, you are considered a deserter. This only changes if you persevere and go up through the ranks; at which point you are given control of your own gang of men and can pick your own fights.
Just a thought.
Historical instead of fictional setting: I haven't seen a suggestion for a gameworld based, however loosely, on a historical setting. e.g. feudal England or Byzantium etc. I think that might give the game a bit more flavour and something of a context. Stories could be woven around real historical incidents (or even fake historical elements such as Robin Hode).
Jousting tournament: I imagine someone has suggested putting in an additional tournament for jousting (maybe available to the gentry only); so I'll just assume they have and second the motion.
Army service: On first joining the army, it would be cool if you joined on short contracts of 10 days or so, during which time you are assigned to one of the wandering bands of soldiers and deprived of the ability to determine where you go on the world map. You go where they go and fight where they fight. You have the option to leave, but if you do so before the 'contract' is up, you are considered a deserter. This only changes if you persevere and go up through the ranks; at which point you are given control of your own gang of men and can pick your own fights.
Just a thought.